Acacia senegalGender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Powers: Protection, Psychic Powers
Ritual Uses: The wood is used as fuel in sacred fires in India, and is also used in building temples
Magical Uses: A sprig of the tree placed over the bed wards off evil, as it does when tucked into the turban in Eastern Countries. When the wood is burned with sandalwood the psychic Powers: are stimulated. Acacia is also used in money and love spells, although in the latter case the outcome would be platonic love. A finely powdered gum used as a bonding agent for incense sticks and cones. Used in incense and spells for psychic development and growth and to contact other planes. Also said to help insure pacts and agreements. Increases the power of spells.
Adam and Eve Roots
Orchis spp.Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: water
Powers: Love, Happiness
Magical Uses: Carry the two roots at all times in a small bag to attract a love, If you wish to be free from amatory competitors, also carry the two roots sewn into a small bag. Given to a couple they assure continued happiness. Used in countless love spells and rituals. Used to either attract a new love, or to keep and renew love in an existing relationship. Given to a couple, it will ensure a happy relationship.
Adder's Tongue
Erythronium americanumGender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Healing
Magical Uses: Soak some Adder's Tongue in warm water and apply to a wound or bruise, (wrap it in a piece of cloth) until the herb grows warm, next bury the wet herb in a muddy place. The wound will be cured. Used for its healing properties. Soak some of the herb in cool water, wrap in a cloth, and apply it to wounds and bruises, until the herb grows warm. After this, bury the herb and the cloth in a muddy place. The ailment will be cured.
African Violet
Saintpaulia ionanthaGender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Spirituality, Protection
Magical Uses: The purple-colored flowers and plans are grown in the home to promote spirituality within it. The plants are also slightly protective when grown.
Amanita muscariaGender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Fertility
Ritual Uses: There is speculation that at least some of the mystery religions of classical times centered their secret rituals on the use of the Agaric.
Magical Uses: Place on the altar or in the bedroom to increase fertility. Unfortunately, the Agaric is so virulently poisonous that it is unwise to use it.
Agrimonia eupatoriaGender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Powers: Protection, Sleep
Magical Uses: Agrimony is used in protection spells, and is used to banish negative energies and spirits. It is also used to reverse spells and send them back to the sender. It was believed that placing Agrimony under the head of a sleeping person would cause a deep sleep that will remain until it is removed. Use in all Protection sachets and spells, also to banish negative energies and spirits. It protects against goblins, evil and poison. Agrimony has also long been used to reverse spells sent against the magician; i.e. it not only breaks hexes, it also sends them back to the hexer. Agrimony placed under the head will make on sleep as if dead, according to ancient lore, but don't use this for insomnia; the sleeper won’t waken until the herb is removed. At one time Agrimony was used to detect the presence of Witches. A very powerful herb. When burned, especially with frankincense, will destroy curses and negative energies. Turns curses and hexes back upon the sender. Carry in red cloth, or add an infusion to the bath water.
Ague Root
Aletris farinosaPowers: Protection
Magical Uses: Sprinkle around the home to keep evil at bay, or carry in a sachet for the same purpose. Also in Hex-breaking and uncrossing rituals and mixtures.
Medicago salviaGender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Powers: Prosperity, Anti-hunger, and Money
Magical Uses: Keep in the home to protect from poverty and hunger. It is best placed in a small jar in the cupboard or pantry. Also, burn alfalfa and scatter the ashes around the property for this purpose. Alfalfa is also used in money spells
Alkanet Root Pieces
Alkanna tinctoriaGender: Feminine
Element: Water
Powers: Prosperity, Purification
Magical Uses: Alkanet is burned as an incense to purify the area of negativity, and is also used to attract prosperity in all forms.
Allspice Whole
Pimentia officinalisGender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Money, Luck, and Healing
Magical Uses: Allspice is burned as an incense to attract money or luck, and is also added to such mixtures, Allspice is also used to promote healing.
Prunus communisGender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Magical Uses: Almonds, as well as the leaves and wood of the tree, are used in prosperity and money spells. Additionally, climbing an almond tree is said to ensure success in business ventures. Eating almonds will cure or combat fevers as well as give the partaker wisdom. Five almonds eaten before drinking prevents intoxication. Magical wands are made of almond wood, for it is a plant of Air, which is the Elemental ruler of the magic wand, in some traditions. Finally, placing almonds in your pocket will lead you to treasures.
Aloe Vera
Magical Uses: Growing an aloe vera plant in the kitchen will help prevent burns and mishaps while cooking. It will also prevent household accidents, and guard against evil.Aloe Powder
Cardia dichotomaElement: Water
Powers: Protection, Luck
Magical Uses: Aloe, a common houseplant, is also protective. It guards against evil influences and prevents household accidents. In Africa the Aloe is hung over doors to drive away evil, as well as to bring good luck.
Althea Root
Althea officinalisGender: Feminine
Element: Water
Powers: Protection, Psychic Powers.
Magical Uses: Althea has been used in protection rites, and is also a good psychic power stimulator. Burn as incense for this purpose or carry in a sachet.
(Destroys Negativity)Magical Uses: Alum can be placed in a dish, in a room infested with negative energies, as it absorbs the watery energy they live in. Can also be used in magical inks. Not to be eaten.
Alum Root Herb
(Protection, Sleep)Magical Uses: Profoundly protective. Can be carried in red cloth, added to bath water, or made into an infusion and sprinkled about the home or ritual space. Strew herb beneath the bed for protection while sleeping.
Amaranthus hypochondriacusMagical Uses: Amaranth is used to repair a broken heart. It is also associated with immortality, and is used to decorate images of gods and goddesses. It is sacred to the god Artemis. Woven into a wreath, it is said to render the wearer invisible. Also used in pagan burial ceremonies.
Angelica archangelicaMagical Uses: Grow it in your garden as a protection for garden and home. The root is often used as a protective amulet, and has been used to banish evil by burning the leaves. It is also used to lengthen life, and is used in protection against diseases, as well as to ward off evil spirits. Adding it to a ritual bath will break spells and hexes. It has often been used to ward off evil spirits in the home.
Angelica Root
Gender: MasculinePlanet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Exorcism, and Healing
Magical Uses: Use in all protection and exorcism incenses. Sprinkle the four corners on the house with angelica to ward off evil, or do this around the perimeters of the house. Added to the bath angelica will remove curses, hexes and any spells that may have been cast against you. The root was carried in the pocket as a gambling talisman among some American Indian Nations. Angelica is also used in healing incenses and mixtures, and smoking the leaves is said to cause visions.
Anise Seed Whole
Gender: MasculinePlanet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Powers: Protection, Purification, and Youth
Magical Uses: Fill a small pillowcase with anise seeds and sleep on it, this will ensure that you have no nightmares. Use in protection and meditation incenses. Fresh anise leaves placed in a room will drive off evil, and they are sometimes placed around the magic circle to protect the magician from evil spirits. It also averts the 'evil eye'. Aniseed is also used in purification baths, especially with bay leaves. It is used to call forth spirits to aid in magical operations, and a sprig hung on the bedpost will restore lost youth.
Pimpinella anisumMagical Uses: Anise mixed with bay leaves provides an excellent bath additive prior to ritual. Using anise in potpourri around the house wards off evil, and anise in your sleeping pillow at night will chase away the nightmares. The essential oil is used in ritual baths prior to any divination attempts. It is believed that hanging an anise seed head on your bedpost will restore lost youth. Used in spells to become more open to ones own inner happiness and to better enjoy the company of others. Said to bring romance into ones life. Can be used in Hand-fasting and added to confetti. Add to astral pillows or burn as an incense before undertaking astral travel or a shaman journey, to provide protection. Can be used in conjunction with amber (see Crystals) to unite the physical with the spiritual.
Pyrus spp.Magical Uses: Apple blossoms are used in love and healing incenses. An apple should be given to a lover as a present - you should eat one half, the lover the other. It is given as an offering on Samhaim to the dead, since it is a symbol of immortality. Apple wood is used to make magical wands. Pouring apple cider on the ground in your garden before you plant gives the earth life.
Ferula foetida(Devils Dung):
(Protection, Exorcism, Purification)
Magical Uses: An appropriately named, legendary magical herb. Asafetida is one of the most potent ingredients to destroy negativity. It is said to destroy psychic attacks, curses, hexes, jinxes, and nasty spirits cannot stand the stuff.
Fraxinus excelsior(Protection, Prosperity, Sea Rituals, Health)
Magical Uses: It is said that Ash can be used as a talisman for good luck. It is also said to attract love when carried in red or pink cloth.
Arabic Gum
Acacia senegalGender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Powers: Spirituality, Purification.
Magical Uses: Add to incense for good vibrations, or smolder alone on charcoal. Purifies area of negativity and evil.
Asafetida Powder
Gender: MasculinePlanet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Purification, and Exorcism
Magical Uses: Burn small amounts in exorcism and protection incenses. Also use in protection sachets, but only if you want to smell odd. Destroys manifestations of spirits if thrown onto a fire or into the censer during magical rites.
Balm Of Gilead
Commiphora opobalsamumGender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Protection, Love, Manifestations, and Healing
Magical Uses: Carry the buds of the Balm of Gilead to mend a broken heart, or to attract a new love. Also steep them in red wine for a simple love drink. Burn as a material base for spirits, and also carry for protective and healing purposes.
Basil Sweet
Ocimum basilicumGender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Love, Flying, Wealth, and Exorcism
Magical Uses: The scent of fresh basil causes sympathy between two people, and this is why it is used to sooth tempers between lovers. It is added to love incenses and sachets.
Ocimum basilicumMagical Uses: Basil protects from evil and negativity, and aids in attracting and keeping love. It is used for purification baths, and in wealth and prosperity rituals. Carrying a basil leaf in your pocket brings wealth, and if powdered basil is sprinkled over your mate while they sleep, it is supposed to eliminate infidelity from your marriage. Can be used to soothe tempers between two lovers, as the smell of basil causes sympathy between two people. Can be added to love sachets, and rubbed on the skin as a natural love attracting perfume. Basil is also used in love divinations. Place two fresh basil leaves on top of a live coal. If they lie where you put them, and burn quickly to ashes, the relationship in question, will be happy and harmonious, but if they crackle and pop, the life of the couple will be disturbed by quarrels, and if the leaves fly apart with fierce crackling, the relationship is undesirable.
Bay Leaf Whole
Laurus nobilisGender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Psychic Power, Healing, purification, strength.
Ritual Uses: The ancient priestesses of Apollo chewed bay leaves to induce a prophetic state, and also inhaled their fumes. Bay leaves are used as decoration at Yule.
Magical Uses: Bay is used in clairvoyance and wisdom brews. Bay leaves are placed beneath the pillow to induce prophetic dreams. It is a protection and purification herb and is worn as an amulet to ward off negativity and evil, burned or scattered during exorcism rituals. Bay Leaves mixed with sandalwood can be burned to remove curses and evil spells. An excellent purification and protection herb. Sacred to the muses and useful for artists, poets and writers. Said to promote inspiration and creativity. Place a bay leaf on the page for inspiration. Smoke from the burning leaves is ideal for consecrating (see Rituals) musical instruments and artists tools.
Bayberry Root Bark
Powers: Prosperity, Wishes, and MoneyMagical Uses: Used in spells of prosperity and to gain money. Also used in spells to regain money owed to you.
Magical Uses: The oil of Bayberry will bring prosperity and luck. The leaves are burned to enhance psychic powers and to produce visions. Worn in an amulet, it will provide protection from evil and negativity. The leaves are used as decorations during the Yule season, and placed in your window it will protect against lightning striking your house. Write a wish on a bay leaf and then burn it if you want the wish to come true. Sprinkling the crushed leaves in your cupboards will keep out cockroaches and other insect pests.Belladonna
Atropa belladonnaMagical Uses: This herb is little used in modern witchcraft, because of its high toxicity. In days gone by, it was used to encourage Astral Projection, and to produce visions, and was probably an ingredient in the legendary flying ointments used by witches in long ago times. (Warning!!! Poison!)
Benzoin Powder
Styrax benzoinGender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Powers: Purification, Prosperity
Magical Uses: Burn Benzoin to purify, and add to purification incenses. A fine "clearing" herb. Make an incense of Benzoin, cinnamon and basil and burn to attract customers to your place of business. Often used as a base for incense. Said to promote areas relating to the mind-knowledge, wisdom, inspiration, memory, peace of mind, & psychic protection.
Bergamot Wild
Monarda fistulosaGender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Money
Magical Uses: The leaves of the orange bergamot are slipped into wallets and purses to attract money. Fresh leaves are also rubbed onto money before spending it to ensure its return. Also used in "success" rituals and spells.
Stachys betonicaMagical Uses: Use in purification incenses. Can be used in herb pillows to help prevent nightmares.
Birch Bark
Betula pendulaGender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers Protection, Exorcism, Purification
Magical Uses: Birch twigs have been used to exorcise spirits by gently striking possessed people or animals, since the birch is a purifying or cleansing herb. The tree is also used for protection. The traditional broom of the Witches was made of birch twigs. Highly protective. Boil some of the bark in water, and then add this water to the bath, to cocoon yourself in protective energy. Can be burned on charcoal to remove negative energies from the home or place of business. Hang some over the front door to protect the home.
Polygonum bistortaMagical Uses: An amulet fashioned of the root of Bistort is carried when one wishes to conceive. Sprinkle an infusion of bistort around your home to keep out unwanted visitors of the mischievous variety, such as poltergeists, sprites, etc. Can be carried for purification and protection. Used in magical formulas, or sprinkled in the purse or wallet, to promote prosperity. Dwellings can be cleared of ghosts by burning the root as an incense or making an infusion and sprinkling about the house.
Rubus villosusMagical Uses: Blackberry leaves are used in money spells, as are the berries.
Black Cohosh
Cimicifuga racemosaGender: Masculine
Powers: Love, Courage, Protection, and Potency
Magical Uses: Use black cohosh in love sachets and add an infusion to the bath to help in cases of impotency. While carried, the herb helps to strengthen courage in the meek. An infusion of the herb sprinkled around a room or added to the bath, drives away evil presences. Black Cohosh leaves laid around a room is said to drive away bugs, and to drive away negativity.
Black Walnut
Gender: MasculinePlanet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Health, Mental Powers, Infertility, Wishes
Ritual Uses: Witches were supposed to dance beneath walnut trees in Italy during their secret rites.
Magical Uses: When carried, walnuts strengthen the heart and ward off rheumatism pains. They also attract lightning; so don't carry one in an electrical storm.
Fucus vesiculosusGender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Protection, Sea Spells, Wind Spells, Money, And Psychic Powers.
Magical Uses: Generally gives protection to those at sea, or those who are flying over it. It is also used in sea spells to summon the spirits of the sea, by throwing it onto the waves and calling them. Use in any money spells. Use in a sachet to increase psychic Powers: and carry to protect against mental derangement. To attract customers, and bring good vibrations to your business, make a tea of the herb, and wash shelves, doors and floors with it. Also used to summon the spirits of wind or sea.
Blood Root
Sanguinaria canadensisGender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Love, Protection, and Purification
Magical Uses: Carry or wear to draw love, can also be carried to avert evil spells and negativity. Place near doorways and windowsills so that the home will be protected. Burn on charcoal, or add an infusion of the herb to bath water to counter hexes and negative spells. Can be carried in black cloth for protection. Can be carried in red cloth for love.
Eupatorium perfoliatumGender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Powers: Protection, Exorcism.
Magical Uses: Wards off evil spirits and can be used to make an infusion to sprinkle about the house to drive away evil.
Borago officinalisMagical Uses: Carrying the fresh blossoms brings courage. The tea will induce your psychic powers. Its basic powers are to give strength and courage. Carry in yellow cloth whenever extra strength is needed.
Magical Uses: Used in exorcism rituals. Burn a small amount on charcoal with all windows and doors open, sprinkle over candles and add to bath water. Do not eat.Buckthorn Bark
Rhamnus catharticusGender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Powers: Protection, Exorcism, Wishes, And Legal Matters.
Magical Uses: Carry or wear it when dealing with legal matters, and as a general good luck generator. Legend states that if you sprinkle buckthorn in a circle and then dance within it under a full Moon, an elf will appear. The dancer must notice the elf and say, "Halt and grant my boon!" before the elf flees. The elf will then grant one wish.
Buckwheat Hulls
Fagopyrum spp.Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Powers: Protection, Money.
Magical Uses: Sprinkle around the house in a circle to keep evil out. Use to form magic circles on the floor around you while performing magic. Add some to money incense and keep some in the kitchen to guard against poverty.
Aesculus hippocastanumMagical Uses: A famous magical herb used in the magic of drawing money, and making money. Carry in green cloth with 2 gold colored coins. Add powdered nut to any money incense or potions. Can also be carried in the pocket to attract success.
Burdock Root
Arctium lappaGender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Protection, Healing.
Magical Uses: Cast around the home to ward off negativity. Add to protection incense and use in such spells. String on red thread and wear for protection against evil and negativity
Magical Uses: Used to ward off all sorts of negativity, making it invaluable for protective amulets and sachets. Add to potpourri in the house.Calamus Root
Acorus calamusGender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Protection, Healing, Luck, and Money.
Magical Uses: For healing, use powdered root with healing incense and sachets. Put small pieces of the root in all corners of the kitchen to protect against hunger and poverty. Can be used to bind, or strengthen spells. Also has a good reputation for overturning malicious spells or energies. Often used in spells and potions to attract a lover.
Carum carviGender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Protection, Lust, Health, Anti-theft, Mental Powers.
Magical Uses: Serves as protection against all manner of evil spirits, entities and plain old negativity. It is often carried for this purpose. The seeds are also used to encourage fidelity, and are placed in sachets and talismans to attract a mate. When baked in cookies, bread or cakes they are lust inducing. Chewing the seeds is helpful to gain the love of one you desire. They also strengthen the memory and a small bag of the seeds placed in a child's bed protects the child from illness.
Cinnamomum camphoraMagical Uses: Difficult to obtain. Used in magic to avert all malicious energies and entities. Burn a small amount on charcoal as incense to purge negativity. A magical scourer, very powerful, but will also remove all magical energies, so be sure to follow it with an incense to renew desired energies.
Elettaria cardamomumGender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Lust, Love.
Magical Uses: Add ground seeds to warmed wine for a quick lust potion. Bake into an apple pie for an amatory pastry. Add to love sachets and incenses. Add ground seeds to warm wine or mead for a quick lust potion.
Carob Bean
Jacaranda proceraPowers: Protection, Health.
Magical Uses: Carry or wear to maintain good health and to guard against evil.
Cascara Sagrada
Rhamnus purshianaPowers: Protection, Legal Matters, and Money.
Magical Uses: Sprinkle an infusion around your home before going to any court proceeding; it will help you win your case. Also used in money spells and worn as an amulet against evil and hexes.
Magical Uses: Prosperity and love. Can be added to formulas for extra strength. Carry in green cloth to attract money.Catnip
Nepeta catariaGender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Cat Magic, Love, Beauty, and Happiness.
Magical Uses: Given to your cat it forms a psychic bond between the two of you. It is also intoxicating to the cat. Use it in love sachets, usually in conjunction with rose petals. If you hold catnip in your hand until it is warm, then hold anyone else's hand; they will forever be your friend, as long as you keep the catnip you used for the spell in some safe place. Hung over the door, catnip attracts good spirits and great luck. Catnip is also used in spells designed to enhance beauty and happiness. Catnip leaves are pressed and used as bookmarks in magical texts
Magical Uses: Cayenne pepper scattered around your house will break bad spells. Adding it to love powders will ensure that your love will be spicy, and can inflame the loved one with passion.Cedar
Gender: MasculinePlanet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Healing, Purification, Money, Protection.
Magical Uses: Smoke of the cedar is purifying and also cures the predilection to having bad dreams. To heal head colds, place them upon the hot rocks in a sweat bath for purification. Hung in the home it protects the home against lightning strikes. A piece of cedar kept in the wallet or purse draws money and cedar is used in money incense. Add it to love sachets and burn it to induce psychic Powers. Burned as an incense to consecrate wands, for baby blessings. Also burned to invoke Odin. Can be carried in the wallet or purse to attract money. Also good in moth repellent sachets.
Chelidonium majusGender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Escape, Happiness, And Legal Matters.
Magical Uses: Aids in escaping unwarranted imprisonment and entrapments of every kind. Wear next to the skin and replace every three days for this purpose. It also imparts good spirits and joy if worn, cures depression. Wear to court to win the favor of the judge or jury, or as a protective herb.
Celery Seed
Apium graveolensGender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Fire
Powers: Mental Powers, Lust, And Psychic Powers.
Magical Uses: To aid in concentration, chew the seeds. Use in spell pillows to induce sleep. When burned with orrisroot, celery seeds increase psychic Powers. The stalk, along with the seeds, induces lust when eaten. Witches supposedly ate celery seeds before flying off on their brooms so that they wouldn't become dizzy and fall. Burn with Orris Root to increase psychic powers, or with a drop of Basil oil to increase psychic powers.
Erythraea centauriumGender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Snake-Removing.
Magical Uses: The smoke from burning or fuming centaury drives off snakes.
Chameamelum nobileGender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Water
Powers: Money, Sleep, Love, and Purification.
Magical Uses: Used in calming and sleep incense and brews. It is also used to attract money. Has also been used to combat curses and spells. Used to promote restful states of sleep. Can be used in sleep pillows, with Hops and Lavender. Can also be used in prosperity charms and incense.
Stellaria medicaGender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Fidelity, Love.
Magical Uses: Carry or use in spells designed to attract a love or to maintain a relationship.
Magical Uses: Highly protective. Can be used in spells and charms, or scattered around the home, or ritual space, for protection.Chicory
Cichorium intybusGender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Powers: Removing Obstacles, Invisibility, Favors, and Frugality.
Magical Uses: Carry chicory to remove all obstacles that crop up in your life. Carry it to promote frugality. If you anoint your body with chicory juice, you will obtain favors from great persons. It was once thought to make its possessors invisible and to open locked doors or boxes if held against the lock but to do either of these it is said that you must gather the chicory with a gold knife in perfect silence at noon or midnight in midsummer.
Chrysanthemum Flowers
Chrycanthemum sinenseGender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection.
Magical Uses: Drink an infusion of chrysanthemums to be cured of drunkenness. Wear the flowers to protect against the wrath of the Gods, and when grown in the garden they will protect it for evil spirits.
Cinnamomum zeylanicumGender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Spirituality, Success, Healing, Power, Psychic Powers, Lust, Protection, Love.
Ritual Uses: the ancient Hebrews used cinnamon oil as part of holy anointing oil. Cinnamon tree leaves woven into wreaths decorated ancient Roman temples. The Egyptians used cinnamon oil during the mummification process.
Magical Uses: When burned as an incense, made into a sachet or made into an infusion, cinnamon raises high spiritual vibrations, draws money, aids in healing, and stimulates psychic Powers: and produces protective vibrations.
Trifolium spp.Magical Uses: Clover brings luck, prosperity, and health. Carrying a three-leaf clover gives you protection. Worn over the right breast it will bring you success in all undertakings.
Eugenia carophyllusGender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Love, Exorcism, and Money.
Magical Uses: To attract riches, drive away hostile and negative forces, stop others from gossiping about you, produce spiritual vibrations and purify the area, burn as an incense. To attract the opposite sex and bring comfort to the bereaved, wear or carry cloves.
Club Moss
Lycopodium clavatumGender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Protection, Power.
Tussilago farfaraGender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Love, Vision.
Magical Uses: Add to love sachets and use in spells of peace and tranquility. The leaves, when smoked, can cause visions.
Symphytum officinaleGender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Powers: Safety during travel, Money.
Magical Uses: Wear or carry it for protection and to ensure safety during travel. Tuck some into your suitcase to prevent them from being lost or stolen. Also used in money spells.
Copal Oro
Bursera odorataGender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Love, Purification.
Magical Uses: Is added to love and purification incense, especially in Mexico. Useful in love spells.
Coriander Seed
Coriandrum sativumGender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Love, Health, and Healing.
Magical Uses: Use in love sachets and spells. Add the powdered seed to warm wine to make an effective lust potion. Wear the seeds for healing, especially to ease headaches. If pregnant women eat coriander, their future children will be ingenious.
Couch Grass Root
Gender: MasculinePlanet: Jupiter
Powers: Happiness, Lust, Love, and Exorcism
Magical Uses: When carried or sprinkled under the bed it attracts new lovers. Used in all manner of unhexing and uncrossing rituals; the infusion is sprinkled around the premises to disperse entities, and when worn it dispels depression.
Cubeb Berry Whole
Piper cubebaGender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Love
Magical Uses: Use the berries in love sachets and spells
Magical Uses: Cornflower is used to promote and enhance psychic sight, as well as normal eyesight.Damiana
Turnera diffuseGender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Lust, Love, visions
Magical Uses: Use in lust infusions and lust spells. Burn to produce visions. Native to Mexico, Damiana is used in magic and herbalism as a powerful aphrodisiac. It may be used as an infusion in bath water, or used in spells. It can also be burned to induce visions.
Taraxacum officinaleGender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Powers: Divination, Wishes, and Calling Spirits
Magical Uses: Grind roasted root like coffee to make tea, this infusion will promote psychic powers. The tea steaming and placed beside the bed, will call spirits. Dandelions buried in the northwest corner of the house, brings favorable winds. Mainly used for divination, wishes, and calling upon spirits. Folklore says that, if you blow the seeds off a dandelion head, you will live for as many years as there are seeds left on the head. To tell the time, blow three times at the dandelion head, however many seeds are left is the hour. The dandelion root, when roasted and ground, can be made into an infusion that will promote psychic powers. The same tea, steaming and placed beside the bed, will call spirits.
Datura stramonium(POISON):
Magical Uses: Datura has long been used in shamanic practices and religious rites, and the Aztecs considered the plant to be sacred. Datura is used in magic to break spells, by sprinkling it around the home. It also protects against evil spirits. It may be used to aid insomnia by doing the following: Place some Datura leaves into a pair of shoes, and then setting the shoes under the bed, with the toes pointing toward the nearest wall. Datura is extremely poisonous, and simply touching it may irritate skin. Use with care!
Devil's Bit
Scabiosa succisaMagical Uses: When worn around the neck, devils bit drives away evil spirits and offers protection to the wearer. It may also be used to attract women, and to bring luck.
Devil's Shoestring
Vibumum alnifoliumMagical Uses: This herb, when warn around the neck, protects its bearer from accidental poisoning. It may be worn as a good luck charm when gambling. Carry a piece in your pocket while seeking employment, or while having problems at work. It will either help you get hired, or smooth things over at your current job. Also carry when asking for a pay rise.
Anethum graveolensGender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Money, Lust, Love
Magical Uses: Offers protection when hung at the door and carried in protective sachets. If placed over the door, no one ill disposed or envious of you can enter your house. Put it into a cradle to protect children. Use dill in money spells. Add it to a bath; it will make the bather irresistible. Dill stimulates lust if eaten or smelled. Smell dill to cure hiccoughs. This herb is protective when hung at the door and carried in protective sachets. Placed in the cradle, it protects children. If you place Dill over the front door, no one ill disposed or envious of you can enter your house. Also useful in money spells, as the plant produces plentiful seeds, representing wealth and abundance. Also stimulates lust when eaten or smelled, and if added to the bath, it makes the bather irresistible!
Dittany of Crete
Dictamus origanoidesMagical Uses: When burned, Dittany is an excellent base for manifestation of spirits: the wraiths appear in the smoke rising from the censer. It may also be mixed with equal parts of vanilla, benzoin and sandalwood to make an astral projection incense. To use, burn a small amount just prior to attempting astral projection. The juice of Dittany drives away venomous creatures, so smear some on your body if you are venturing out into the wilderness.
Apocynum androsaemifoliumMagical Uses: Can be added to love mixtures to increase their potency.
Dragon's Blood
Daemonorops dracoMagical Uses: Added to love incenses and sachets, it increases the potency of other herbs used. A piece of the plant is often used under the mattress as a cure for impotency. It is also used in spells to bring back a loved one. A pinch added to other herbs for magical purposes will increase their potency. This is the name given to the resin from a plant called the Dracaena Draco. The dried resin may be burned to entice errant lovers to return to you. The powdered resin may be sprinkled around the house, smoldered as incense, or carried, to act as a powerful protector. It will drive away negativity when burned. Just a pinch of dragons blood, when added to any incense, will increase its powers.
Dragon's Tears
Magical Uses: These are the blood red seeds of a magical herb, believed to overcome hexes, crossings, and all negativity. To use, add the seeds to one cup of boiling water, and leave to steep. The resulting liquid is then added to the bath water.Dulse Leaf
Rhodymenia palmattaGender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Lust, Harmony
Magical Uses: Induces lust, when added to a beverage. Encourages harmony when sprinkled around the home. Also used in sea rituals; it is usually thrown onto the waves to placate the spirits of the sea. Dulse is also tossed from high places to contact the wind spirits.
Diospyros lotusMagical Uses: Ebony wood is protective and so used in making amulets. Ebony wands give the magician pure, unadulterated power. Never stand beneath an ebony tree during a storm.
Echinacea augustifoliaPowers: Strengthening Spells
Magical Uses: Used by American Indians as an offering to spirits to ensure and strengthen spells. Echinacea (or Black Sampson) was used by American Indians as an offering to spirits to ensure and strengthen spells.
Leontopodium alpinumMagical Uses: Made into a wreath and worn, Edelweiss confers invisibility. To be protected against daggers and bullets, pull up whole Edelweiss by its roots during the day on a Friday of the full moon. Wear it wrapped in white linen. Edelweiss also grants your hearts desire, you need only grow and care for the plant.
Sambucus canadensisMagical Uses: The branches of the sacred elder are used to make magical wands for ritual. Scattering the leaves in the four winds will bring protection. Elderberry wine, made from the berries, is used in rituals. In Denmark, it is believed to be unlucky to have furniture made of elder wood. Grown near your home, elder will offer protection to the dwellers. It is used at weddings to bring good luck to the newlyweds. Flutes made form the branches are used to bring forth spirits. The elder was used in burial rites in ancient British long barrows. It is sacred to the Mother Goddess figures, due to its white flowers. Spirits were thought to live within the elder, and this is why it bled red sap when cut. Before felling an elder, the following formula was recited: "Lady Ellhorn, give me of thy wood, And I will give thee of mine, when I become a tree." This is recited while kneeling before the tree, prior to making the first cut. This allows the spirit time to vacate. If worn, Elder wards off attackers of every kind. Hung over doorways and windows, it keeps evil from the house. When grown near the home, elder will bring prosperity, and protect against robbers. Elder is used at weddings to bring good luck to a couple. Also carry elder to preserve you from the temptation to commit adultery.
Elder Berries
Gender: FemininePlanet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Exorcism, Protection, Healing, and Prosperity, Sleep.
Ritual Uses: The elder was used in burial rites in ancient British long barrows. It is sacred to many Mother Goddess Figures, due to its white flowers. Witches and spirits were thought to live within the elder tree.
Magical Uses: When worn, elder wards off every kind of attacker. Hung over doorways and windows it keeps evil from the house. It has the power to force an evil magician to release any enchantments or spells they may have cast against you. The berries, when carried, protect against evil and negativity. To bless a person, place or thing, scatter the leaves and berries to the four winds in the name of the person or object to be blessed, and then scatter some more over the person or object. Place elder berries beneath your pillow if you have difficulty sleeping, they'll allow you to slumber peacefully. Carry elder to preserve against the temptation to commit adultery.
Inula heliumGender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Love, Protection, And Psychic Powers
Magical Uses: Sew some leaves or flowers in pink cloth or make a sachet and wear it to attract love. Carrying it will also protect you. The herb smoldered on charcoal aids in sharpening psychic Powers, particularly when scrying. When worn, Elecampane attracts love. Sew up some leaves and flowers in some pink cloth to make a sachet, and carry this with you. It is also carried for protection, and the herb smoldered on charcoal aids in sharpening psychic powers, particularly when scrying
Cichorium endiviaMagical Uses: When using endive in magic, it is best gathered in the following manner: Dig it up on June 27, or July 25 with a piece of gold, or stags horn. But no matter how gathered, endive is worn as a talisman to attract love. It is used fresh, and should be replaced every 3 days. It can also be served in salad as an aphrodisiac.
Eucalyptus spp.Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Protection, Healing
Magical Uses: Carry the leaves for protection. Stuff healing poppets with the leaves and carry it to maintain good health. Healing energies come from the leaves. A branch or wreath over the bed of a sick person will help spread the healing energies. The oil is added to healing baths, and for purifications.
Euphrasia officinalisGender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Powers: Mental Powers, Psychic Powers
Magical Uses: Brewed into tea and drank, eyebright clears the mind and aids the memory. Carry it to increase psychic powers, also use it when you need to see the truth in a matter. An infusion applied to the eyelids on cotton pads induces magical clairvoyance, but it must be persisted in before results are achieved.
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