Crocus salviaMagical Uses: Saffron is used to clean the hands before rituals. It is used in healing mixtures. The essential oil is used to induce clairvoyance. Thrown into the air, it can bring the winds. Saffron is added to love sachets as well as those aimed at raising lustful feelings. It is used in healing spells, and the infusion is used as wash water for the hands prior to rituals. At one time in Persia (now Iran), pregnant women wore a ball of saffron at the pit of the stomach to ensure a speedy delivery. The infusion, drunk, enables you to foresee the future, and simply ingesting saffron dispels melancholy. In fact, one early author warns against eating too much saffron lest on should "die of excessive joy". Saffron in the home prevents lizards from venturing in, and wearing a chaplet of saffron will protect you from inebriation. Sheets were rinsed with a Saffron infusion in Ireland so that the arms and legs would be strengthened during sleep, and the ancient Persians utilized Saffron to raise the winds.
Salvia officinalisGender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Powers: Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, and Wishes.
Magical Uses: Sage has been utilized to ensure a long life, sometimes even immortality. Carry sage to promote wisdom. Use the leaves in healing and money spells. To guard against contracting the dreaded "evil eye", wear a small horn filled with sage. If you desire to make a wish come true, write it on a sage leaf and hide it beneath your pillow. For three nights, sleep upon it. If once you dream of what you desire, your wish will be materialized; if not, bury the Sage in the ground so that you do not come to harm.
Artemisia spp.(Purification, Exorcism)
Magical Uses: Sagebrush has long been burned in Native American ceremonies. Bathe with Sagebrush to purify yourself of all past evils and negative deeds. Burning Sagebrush drives away malevolent forces and is also useful in healing.
St. John’s Wort
Hypericum perforatumGender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Health, Protection, Strength, Love Divination, and Happiness.
Magical Uses: Wear St. John's Wort to ward off fevers and colds and to attract love. Worn by soldiers, it makes them invincible. Place St. John's Wort in a jar and hang it by a window to protect against thunderbolts, fire and evil spirits. If an unmarried woman places some beneath her pillow she will dream about her future husband. Use St. John's Wort in rituals or carry it to detect other magicians. Worn, St. Johns Wort wards off fevers and colds, makes soldiers invincible, and attracts love. If it is gathered on midsummer, or on a Friday and worn, it will keep mental illness at bay and will also cure melancholy. When placed in a jar and hung by a window, it protects against thunderbolts, fire, and evil spirits. Both flowers and leaves are used for this purpose. It is also dried over the Midsummer fires and hung near the window to keep ghosts, necromancers and other evil doers from the house, and is burned to banish spirits and evil. Any part of the plant placed beneath the pillow allows unmarried women to dream of their future husbands. Use in rituals or carry to detect other magicians; at one time it was held to the mouth of accused Witches to attempt to force them to confess.
Santalum spp.Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Love
Magical Uses: Burn red sandalwood to bring love. Sprinkle it in areas that need to be cleansed of negativity. Sandalwood powder is burned during protection, healing and exorcism spells. When mixed with Lavender it makes incense designed to conjure spirits. This fragrant wood possesses very high spiritual vibrations and is burned at séances and Full Moon rituals when mixed with Frankincense. Write your wish on a chip of Sandalwood and burn in the censor or cauldron. As it burns it sets the magic flowing, but remember to visualize your wish at the same time. Sandalwood beads are protective, and promote a spiritual awareness when worn. Powdered Sandalwood can be scattered about a place to clear it of negativity, and it is also used as an incense base.
Smilax asperaGender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Powers: Love, Money.
Magical Uses: Mix sarsaparilla with cinnamon and sandalwood powder and sprinkle around the premises to draw money. It is also utilized in love spells.
Sassafras variifoliumGender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Powers: Health, Money.
Magical Uses: Place sassafras in a purse or wallet, or burn it, to attract money. Add it to sachets or in spells designed to aid healing.
Senna Leaf
Cassia marilandicaGender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Love
Magical Uses: Use senna in love spells.
Sesamum indicum(Money, Lust)
Magical Uses: Sesame seeds, when eaten, are lust inducing. A jar of Sesame seeds left open in the house draws cash to it. Change the seeds every month. The infamous magical command "open Sesame!" refers to the plants legendary powers to discover hidden treasures, reveal secret passageways, and open locked doors.
Scutellatia laterifloraMagical Uses: Skullcap is used in spells that bring about peace, tranquility, and relaxation. A woman who wears Skullcap protects her husband against the charms of other women.
Slippery Elm
Ulmus fulvaGender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: Air
Powers: Halts Gossip.
Magical Uses: Burn slippery elm and throw a knotted yellow cord or thread into the fire. Any gossip against you will stop. Slippery elm bark worn around a child's neck will give it a persuasive tongue when he/she is fully grown.
Aristolochia serpentaria(Luck, Money)
Magical Uses: This root is carried as a good luck talisman and also to break hexes and curses. It is also said to lead its bearer to money.
Snakeroot, Black
Sanicula marilandica(Love, Lust, Money)
Magical Uses: Black Snakeroot is worn to attract lovers and is also placed in the bedroom and added to baths. Carried, it attracts money.
Solomon's Seal
Polygonatum officinaleMagical Uses: It is added to protection sachets and incenses. It is also used for exorcisms and cleansing mixtures.
Spanish Moss
(Protection)Magical Uses: Grown on or in the home, Spanish Moss is protective. Use to stuff protection poppets and add to protective sachets.
Mentha spicataGender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Healing, Love, Mental Powers.
Magical Uses: Use spearmint in all healing applications, especially in aiding lung diseases. Smell spearmint to increase and sharpen mental powers. Spearmint is sometimes used to provoke luSt. Stuff your pillow or mattress with spearmint for protection.
Inula conyza
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Fidelity, Health.
Magical Uses: Wear spikenard around your neck to bring good luck and ward off diseases. It is also used to remain faithful.
Tradescantia virginia(Love)
Magical Uses: The Dakota Indians carried Spiderwort to attract love.
Star Anise
Illicum verum(Psychic Powers, Luck)
Magical Uses: The seeds are burned as incense to increase psychic powers, and are also worn as beads for the same purpose. Sometimes, Star Anise is placed on the altar to give it power; one is placed to each of the four directions. It is also carried as a general luck bringer, and the seeds make excellent pendulums.
Stillingia sylvaticaPowers: Psychic Powers:
Magical Uses: Burn stillingia root to develop psychic Powers. To find something you've lost, burn stillingia and follow the smoke to its hiding place.
Strawberry Leaf
Fragaria vescaGender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Love, Luck.
Magical Uses: Carry strawberry leaves for luck. Pregnant women may wish to carry a small packet of strawberry leaves to ease their pregnancy pains.
Tanacetum vulgareGender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Health, Longevity.
Magical Uses: Place some tansy in your shoes to help cure persistent fevers. Carry tansy to lengthen your life span.
Camellia sinensis(Riches, Courage, Strength)
Magical Uses: Burn the leaves of the Tea plant to ensure future riches, and add to all money mixtures and sachets. Tea is also included in talismans designed to give the bearer strength and courage. And you can make tea out of it.
Carduus spp.(Strength, Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Hex-Breaking)
Magical Uses: A bowl of thistles placed in a room strengthens the spirits and renews the vitality of all within it. Carry part of a Thistle for energy and strength. Grown in the garden, thistles ward off thieves, grown in a pot on the doorstep, they protect against evil. A Thistle blossom carried in the pocket guards its bearer. Thrown into the fire, Thistles deflect lightning away from the house. If you have had a spell cast against you, wear a shirt made of fibers spun and woven from the thistle to break it and any other spells. Stuff hex-breaking poppets with Thistle. Thistles are also strewn in homes and other buildings to exorcise evil. Thistles are also used in healing spells, and when men carry it, they become better lovers. Thistles also drive out melancholy when worn or carried. To call spirits, place some thistle in boiling water. Remove from heat and lie or sit beside it. As the steam rises, call the spirits, then listen carefully, they may answer you.
Thistle, Holy
Centaurea benedicta(Purification, Hex-Breaking)
Magical Uses: Wear the Holy Thistle to protect yourself from evil, and add to purifying baths. Holy Thistle is also used in hex-breaking spells.
Thistle, Milk
Carduus marianus(Snake-Enraging)
Magical Uses: The Anglo-Saxons recorded the fact that if a Milk Thistle was hung around a man's neck, all snakes in his presence would begin fighting!
Thymus vulgarisGender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, and Courage.
Magical Uses: Wear thyme, or burn it, to attract good health. Also use it in healing spells. Place thyme beneath your pillow for restful sleep and a lack of nightmares. Wear thyme to aid in developing psychic Powers. Thyme is a purifying herb and is often burned prior to magical rituals to cleanse the area. In the spring take a magical bath of marjoram and thyme to ensure all sorrows and ills of the past are removed. Carry and smell thyme for courage and energy.
Linatia vulgaris(Protection, Hex-Breaking)
Magical Uses: The Toadflax is used as an amulet to keep evil from the wearer, and is also used to break hexes.
Nicotiana spp.(POISON)
(Healing, Purification)
Magical Uses: Tobacco is thrown into the river when beginning a journey by boat, to propitiate the river gods. Burning Tobacco as incense purifies the area of all negativity and spirits (good and bad), and to cure earache, Tobacco smoke is blown into the ear. If you have a nightmare, it may cause sickness. To prevent this, immediately upon waking, wash in a running stream and throw Tobacco into the water as an offering to the water spirit who has cleansed you of evil. Tobacco can be used as a substitute for Sulfur, as well as for Datura and Nightshade, both of which are related to Tobacco.
Dipteryx odorata(POISON):
(Love, Money, Courage, Wishes)
Magical Uses: These fragrant beans are used in love sachets and mixtures, and are also carried to attract love. Tonka beans are worn or carried to attract money, bring luck, grant courage, and ward off illness. To make wishes come true, hold a Tonka bean in your hand, visualize your wish, and then toss the bean into running water.
Potentilla erecta(Protection, Love)
Magical Uses: The infusion is drunk to give protection, or is served to a loved one to keep their love. Mediums drink the infusion to guard against permanent possession by spirits. The plant is hung up in the home to drive away evil and is carried to attract love.
Tulipa spp.(Prosperity, Love, Protection)
Magical Uses: The tulip is worn to safeguard against poverty and bad luck in general. Tulip means "Turban" and the flower is often worn in the Turban in Middle Eastern countries for protection. Tulips are placed on the altar during love spells.
Cucurma longaMagical Uses: Purification. Turmeric has long been used in Hawaiian magic for purification; salt water and Turmeric are mixed together and then sprinkled in the area to be purified. Turmeric is also sometimes scattered on the floor or about the magic circle for protection.
Uva Ursi
Arctostaphylos uva-ursiMagical Uses: Add to sachets to increase psychic powers. Traditionally used by Native Americans during religious ceremonies.
Valeriana officinalisMagical Uses: Valerian is used to get fighting couples back together, in spells of love, and in purification baths. A sprig of plant pinned to a woman's clothing will cause men to "follow her like children". Valerian root is also added to love sachets. The ancient Greeks hung a sprig of valerian under a window to charm away evil. Valerian root, powdered, is sometimes used as "Graveyard Dust".
Vanilla aromaticaPowers: Love, Lust, Mental Powers.
Magical Uses: Vanilla, a type of fermented orchid, is used in love sachets; the scent and taste are considered to be lust inducing. A Vanilla bean placed in a bowl of sugar will infuse it with loving vibrations; the sugar can then be used to sweeten love infusions. A vanilla bean, carried, will restore lost energy and improve the mind.
Verbena officinalisMagical Uses: Vervain is used for cleansing incenses and baths. Buried in a field, it will make your crops abundant. It is burned to attract wealth, and hung above a bed to prevent nightmares, and above a baby's crib (out of reach!) to offer protection for the little one, and will enable the child to grow up with a love of learning and a happy outlook. Hung in the home it offers protection from negative spells, and is used as a pledge of mutual faith when given to a friend. Vervain is traditionally gathered at Midsummer or at the rising of the Dog Star, when neither sun nor moon is out, but this is not necessary. Vervain is a common ingredient in love mixtures and protective spells. A crown of Vervain on the head protects the magician whilst invoking spirits. Any part of the plant may be carried as a personal amulet. Vervain placed in the home protects it from lightning and storms. The infusion sprinkled around the premises chases off evil spirits and malignant forces. Vervain is also added to exorcism incenses and sprinkling mixtures. It is also a common ingredient in purification bath sachets. The dried herb is scattered around the home as a peace-bringer and is also worn to calm the emotions. Vervain is used in money and prosperity spells. If the herb is buried in the garden or placed in the house, wealth will flow and plants will thrive. To remain chaste for long periods of time, rise before the sun on the first day of the new moon. Gather the Vervain, press out its juice, and drink it down. According to ancient instructions, it will cause you to lose all sexual desire for seven years. Vervain carried may offer everlasting youth, and when placed in the bed, hung around the neck, or made into an infusion and drunk prior to sleep, no dreams will haunt you. Vervain is also a fine healing herb. The undiluted juice of the Vervain smeared on the body cures diseases and guards against future health problems. To aid in recuperation, the root tied with a yard of white yarn is placed around the patient's neck. It should remain there until recovery. To discover if someone lying sick will live or die, place vervain in your hand and press it against the patient, so that the herb is undetected. Ask them how they feel: if they feel well, then they shall live, if not, they may die.
Andropogon zizanioides(Love, Hex-Breaking, Luck, Money, Anti-Theft)
Magical Uses: Vetiver root is burned to overcome evil spells. It is also used in love powders, sachets and incenses and is added to the bathwater in a sachet to make you more attractive to the opposite sex. Vetiver is also used in money spells and mixtures, placed in the cash register to increase business, carried to attract luck and burned in anti-theft incenses.
Viola odorataMagical Uses: Violet in a pillow will help ease headaches away. Carrying the flowers brings a change in luck, and mixed with lavender makes a powerful love sachet. When carried, the flowers offer protection against the "wykked sperytis", and bring changes of luck and fortune. Mixed with Lavender, they are a powerful love stimulant, and also arouse luSt. If you gather Violets in the spring, your dearest wish shall be granted. Ancient Greeks wore violet to calm tempers and induce sleep. Violets fashioned into a chaplet and placed on the head cures headaches and dizziness, and the leaves worn in a green sachet help wounds to heal and prevent evil spirits from making the wounds worse.
Euonymus atrpurpuraea(POISON):
(Hex-Breaking, Courage, Success)
Magical Uses: Make an infusion of the bark, and let it cool. Rub on a hexed persons forehead (or your own), saying "Wahoo!" seven times. This will break any hexes cast against the person. When carried, it brings success in all undertakings and imparts courage.
Juglans regiaMagical Uses: The nut still in its shell is carried to promote fertility. To discover if a Witch is in your midst, legend has it that you should drop a walnut still in its shell into the lap of the person suspected, and if that person is truly a Witch, they will be unable to rise from a sitting position as long as the walnut is in their laps. When carried, Walnuts strengthen the heart, and ward off rheumatism pains. They also attract lightning; so don't carry one in an electrical storm. If anyone gives you a bag of walnuts, you will see all your wishes fulfilled. When placed in a hat or around the head, Walnut leaves prevent headaches and sunstroke. If a bride wishes to delay becoming pregnant, she should place in her bodice as many roasted walnuts as correspond to the number of years she wishes to remain childless. She must do this on her wedding day.
Salix albaMagical Uses: Willow trees are planted near the home as a guard. Its branches have been used for the bindings on a witch's broom, and as healing wands. It is also used to bring the blessings of the moon into your life. Willow leaves are carried or used in mixtures to attract love, and the wood is used to fashion magical wands dedicated to Moon magic. If you wish to know if you will be married in the New Year, on New Years Eve, throw your shoe or boot into a willow tree. If it doesn't catch and stay in the branches the first time, you have eight more tries. If you succeed in trapping your shoe in the tree, you will be wed within 12 months - but you will also have to shake or climb the tree to retrieve the shoe. All parts of the willow guard against evil and can be carried or placed in the home for this purpose. Knock on a willow tree ("Knock on wood") to avert evil. The leaves, bark and wood of the willow are also utilized in healing spells. If you wish to conjure spirits, mix crushed willow bark with sandalwood and burn during the waning moon, outside. Magical brooms are traditionally bound with a willow branch.
Witch Hazel
Hamamelis virginieaMagical Uses: The forked twigs of the Witch Hazel are used for divining. It will help heal a broken heart and cool passions when carried.
Gualtheria procumbensMagical Uses: Protection, Healing, Hex Breaking. Wintergreen is placed in children's pillows to protect them and grant them good fortune throughout their lives. When sprinkled in the home it removes hexes and curses, especially when mixed with mint. Wintergreen is also utilized in healing spells, and when fresh sprigs are placed on the altar they call good spirits to witness and aid your magic.
Witch Grass
Agrophyron repens(Happiness, Lust, Love, Exorcism)
Magical Uses: Witch Grass carried or sprinkled under the bed attracts new lovers. Witch grass is also used in all manner of unhexing or uncrossing rituals, the infusion is sprinkled around the premises to disperse entities, and when worn it dispels depression.
Wolf's Bane
Acontitum napellus(POISON):
(Protection, Invisibility)
Magical Uses: Wolf's Bane is added to protection sachets, especially to guard against vampires and werewolves. This is quite fitting, since Wolf's Bane is also used by werewolves to cure themselves. The seed, wrapped in a lizards skin and carried, allows you to become invisible at will. Do not eat or rub any part of this plant on the skin; it's virulently poisonous.
Wood Rose
Ipomoea tuberose(Luck)
Magical Uses: Carry a Wood Rose to attract good luck and fortune. Also place some in the home to ensure it is lucky as well.
Asperula odorata(Victory, Protection, Money)
Magical Uses: Woodruff is carried to attract money and prosperity, to bring victory to athletes and warriors, and when placed in a sachet of leather it guards against all evil.
Artemisia absinthiumMagical Uses: Wormwood is burned to raise your spirits to a higher level, enabling easier divination and clairvoyance. Thrown on the fire at Samhain, it will protect from the spirits that roam that night. Wormwood is burned in incenses designed to aid in developing psychic powers, and is also worn for this purpose. Carried, Wormwood protects not only against bewitchment, but also from the bite of sea serpents. Also, according to ancient traditions, it counteracts the effects of poisoning by Hemlock and Toadstools, but you should not rely on this measure. Hung from the rear view mirror, Wormwood protects vehicles from accidents on treacherous roads. Wormwood is also sometimes used in love infusions, probably because it was once made into an alcoholic beverage called Absinthe. The highly addictive and dangerous liqueur is now outlawed or banned in many countries, but the reputation lingers and Wormwood is still used in love mixtures. One such use is to place it under the bed to draw a loved one. Wormwood is also burned to summon spirits. It is sometimes mixed with Sandalwood for this purpose. If burned in graveyards, the spirits of the dead will rise and speak, according to old grimoires.
Achillea millefoliumMagical Uses: Since Yarrow has the ability to keep a couple together for 7 years, it is used in love sachets as well as a gift to give to newlyweds. When worn it wards off negativity, and if held in your hand it repels fear. Yarrow added to the bath protects from harm. When worn, Yarrow protects the wearer, and when held in the hand, it stops all fear and grants courage. A bunch of dried Yarrow hung over the bed, or Yarrow used in wedding decorations ensures a love lasting at least seven years. Yarrow is also used in love spells. Carrying Yarrow not only brings love but it also attracts friends and distant relations you wish to contact. It draws the attention of those you want to see. The flowers are made into an infusion and the resulting tea is drunk to improve psychic powers. Washing the head with Yarrow infusion will prevent baldness but wont cure it if it has already begun. Yarrow is also used to exorcise evil and negativity from a person, place or thing.
Yellow Evening Primrose
Oenthera biennis(Hunting)
Magical Uses: Native Americans rubbed this plant against their moccasins and body to ensure a good hunt, and to cause snakes to avoid them.
Taxus baccata(POISON):
(Raising the Dead)
Magical Uses: This poisonous plant is sometimes used in spells to raise the spirits of the dead. Though it has a long mythic history, it is little used in magic due to its high toxicity.
Yerba Mate Green
Ilex paraguariensisFidelity, Love, LuSt.
Magical Uses: Used for protection from curses or harm. To place a binding on an enemy, place a photograph of the person, or an item belonging to them in a jar with the herb and cover with strong black coffee. Recite the behavior you wish them to stop, then hide the jar in their home.
Yerba Santa
Eriodictyon glutinosumMagical Uses: Beauty, Healing, and Protection.
Pausinystalis yohimbeMagical Uses: Love, LuSt. Yohimbe is traditionally drunk as a lust potion and the powdered herb is added to love mixtures. I do not recommend taking Yohimbe internally, as too much can be dangerous.
Yucca spp.Magical Uses: Transmutation, Protection. A hoop or loop of twisted Yucca fibers will change a person into an animal if he or she jumps through it, according to Native American magic. Another method instructs the magician to place a wreath of Yucca fibers on his or her head. This allows the person to assume any form he or she wants. Suds made from the Yucca plant are used in purifying the body before magic. If a spell to remove curses or illnesses is performed, repeat the Yucca-suds bath afterward to ensure that all traces of the evil or sickness are removed.
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