Plant Lots of Flowers
Fairies need animals like frogs, snails and butterflies to protect them and serve as their special companions. Just as a dog is man's best friend, butterflies are fairies BFF's. Getting butterflies to live in your garden is the easiest way to attract fairies, and luckily it's really easy. Plant lots of flowers so that the butterflies can drink the nectar, along with plants like passionflower or pipevines that their caterpillars love to eat. If you need help finding the right things to plant for butterflies, click on this link to find out more.
Fairies need animals like frogs, snails and butterflies to protect them and serve as their special companions. Just as a dog is man's best friend, butterflies are fairies BFF's. Getting butterflies to live in your garden is the easiest way to attract fairies, and luckily it's really easy. Plant lots of flowers so that the butterflies can drink the nectar, along with plants like passionflower or pipevines that their caterpillars love to eat. If you need help finding the right things to plant for butterflies, click on this link to find out more.
If you plant flowers, it won't be long before you discover butterflies and other animals showing up. According to fairy authority Sarah Gallinger, this means that fairies can't be far away.
Whatever you do,
treat the animals kindly and let them enjoy the garden in peace
so that
you don't make the fairies angry...
you wouldn't like them when they're
Ms. Gallinger also recommends using flowers that look like they
might be magical
or could be used by fairies for clothing, because they
usually are.
Make them Feel at Home
Create a perfect habitat for fairies
Includ lots of bushes, which
gives fairies a place to hide and go about their business
without being
noticed by people.
Sometimes they like to cool off in the shade of
so stack several rocks together underneath a bush to encourage
them to visit.
If you're really patient, you might even see moss start
to form on the rocks
and if you let it grow, fairies will thank you!
Just like people and animals need water, so do fairies.
The Jacksonville
Zoo made a big waterfall for fairies to use for swimming and drinking
water, but all you really need to do is leave out dishes of water every
now and then. You might even find butterflies and frogs taking a dip
How to Attract Fairies into Your Fairy Garden
Attracting Faeries
Beltane and Midsummer are two particularly good times to contact the Faery world. The Faery spirit is the great force of energy moving through all things, empowering our magick.
The fae are shy creatures, made so by years of mistreatment and misunderstanding by humans. They are jealous of the physical world which contain the living, breathing, trees and plant life they so love and have so carefully reproduced in their own world. Our callous treatment of nature infuriates them.
You must work first to win their trust. Plant a faery garden as a refuge for the little folk. Leave a corner of it wild and uncultivated. Leaving out gifts of food and treasures for them is a good first step. They love ground ginger, barley, sweets, cream, and anything that glitters. Also clean water, butter, wine, honey, and bread. Never toss out faery libations like you would food for wild animals. They consider this very disrespectful. Make up a little basket of your offerings and leave them on your step, in your garden, or under a tree. Favorite faery stones are tiger's eye, peridot, jade, lava, fluorite, and especially emerald. Don't expect these gifts to disappear, as faeries are able to extract the spiritual essence of our physical gifts to them (so be sure to leave them in love and with deep respect.) You will, however, have to replace these gifts often in order to keep the faery folk hanging around.
The Faery Garden
Whatever you do to bring life to your garden
will bring faeries as well. First of all, plant plants that attract bees,
butterflies, and hummingbirds. This will also attract the fae. So put up
hummingbird feeders, bird feeders, bird baths, bird houses, even bat houses.
Small fountains, ponds, faery statues, or waterfalls are all good.Common yarrow, Achillea millefoliumThey also love the following plants and trees:
New York aster, Aster novi-belgii
Shasta daisy, Chrysanthemum maximum
Western giant hyssop or horsemint, Agastache occidentalis
French lavender, Lavendula dentata
Rosemary, Rosemarinus officinalis
Thyme, Thymus
Fountain butterfly bush, Buddleia alternifolia
Orange-eye butterfly bush, summer lilac, Buddleia davidii
Shrubby cinquefoil, Potentilla fruitiosa
Common garden petunia, Petunia hybrida
Verbenas, vervains, Verbena
Pincushion flowers, Scabiosa caucasica
Cosmos, Cosmos bipinnatus
Common zinnia, Zinnia elegans
foxglove, primrose, ragwort, cowslips, pansies, bluebells, clover (3-leaf, not 4-leaf), St. John's wort, hazel, rowan, blackthorn, oak, willow, elder, birch, alder, apple, ash, and especially toadstools.
Create a Fairy Garden
A surefire way to attract magical fairies
into your garden
is to create a magical miniature fairy garden of any
size to invite the fairies into your garden
and show the magical wee Fae
that you believe in fairies.
Fairies are peaceful yet mischievous magical folk that like to frolic and dance in your garden.
Fairies are peaceful yet mischievous magical folk that like to frolic and dance in your garden.
Playful fairies are often responsible for knocking over your garden
and trampling your miniature garden plants when you're not
Miniature fairies sure know how to throw a good party
they're happy to bring good luck
and prosperity into your garden.
Fairy Houses
Fairies love places to hide so be sure to include
fairy houses,
flowering shrubs, gnarled tree stumps and rock
outcroppings in your miniature garden
to entice fairies to settle in
your enchanted garden.
Fairies will want a place to hide and will tend
to make their home in gardens that provide outlets
to quickly disappear
from the prying attention of human eyes.
Sweets & Offerings to the Fairies
Sweets & Offerings to the Fairies
In ancient times, peasants would leave magical
offerings of sweets
like miniature cakes to attract benevolent fairies
into their herb gardens.
While it may not be practical to leave food
out in your garden in modern times,
you can appease a modern fairy's
sweet tooth by planting succulent sweet flowers
like honeysuckle in your
Fragrant Flowers
Fairies love a colorful selection of
plants and flowers frolic around in your garden.
Stop by our fairy
garden plants page to learn about some of our favorite fairy plants
your enchanted gardens.
Fairy Bells & Chimes
Fairy Bells & Chimes
miniature bells and fairy wind chimes in your miniature fairy garden
hear them magically tinkle as fairies pass by your enchanted
Fanciful fairies enjoy music and dancing and will be drawn
the delightful tinkling of bells and wind chimes.
Miniature Water Features
Miniature Water Features
Attract water fairies and sprites to your fairy garden by
creating miniature ponds,
streams, fountains or other enchanted water
features to your garden.
Fairies enjoy the magical properties of water
Fairies enjoy the magical properties of water
and will be attracted to any of your miniature water features.
will be splashing about and frolicking with their amphibian friends in
no time.
Magical Fairy Paths and Pathways
Enchant your magical
garden with miniature paths for fairies to frolic
and follow throughout
your enchanted miniature garden.
Magical stone and gravel paths will
entice fairies to roam throughout your gardens
and perhaps leave behind a
tiny fairy footprint.
A Fairy's Best Friend
A Fairy's Best Friend
Surround your
fairy garden with plants
to attract butterflies and hummingbirds,
attract these fairy's best friends into your enchanted fairy
Fairies love taking rides on these winged creatures.
Fairy Garden Tea Party
Fairies enjoy a tea party as much as we do!
Throw a
miniature tea party set in your miniature fairy garden.
Fairies are also
fond of aromatic chamomile herbs and flowers for this very reason.
Fairy Mushroom Ring
Create a miniature fairy mushroom ring
to create a
magical portal into the world of fairies
but be careful not to cross the
boundaries and enter the world of fairies yourself!
from Ancient Ways by Campanelli
Dedicating the Faery Garden
Once the garden is started, you might want to ritually
dedicate it as a Faery garden sanctuary. Begin by walking the around the
garden with an athame pointed at its boundaries (much like casting a circle).
Then sprinkle the perimeter of the garden with a branch of fir dipped in
salted spring water. Finally, walk the boundaries of the garden with a lighted
incense stick. (It can be left to burn in the ground when you finish.) Then
with a wand of hazel, slowly walk around the garden greeting each plant
with words like:Spirits of the (insert plant name),Feel your love flow from your heart, down your wand, and out the end of the wand. Be sure to welcome all plants, stones, and trees. (Nature spirits are easily offended.) Conclude your ritual with these words:
I welcome your presence in the garden.
In the name of the Goddess and the God,When you are finished, leave a gift -- cookies, soda, ale, cream, or bright, shiny things like rings, beads, or stones.
I declare this garden a sanctuary
For the spirits of nature
And the children of the Gods.
from Ancient Ways by Campanelli
"Do you believe in fairies? Say quick that you believe. If you believe, clap your hands!" - James M. Barrie
Fairy Sightings
How do you know if you've been successful in attracting
fairies to your miniature fairy garden?
Look for signs of magic and
mischief in your miniature fairy gardens.
When we photograph our new
fairy garden products,
the fairies always cause a great deal of editing
when they flit in and out of the photographs.
A dazzling rainbow lighted
teardrop shaped wing is featured in more photographs than we can count
no matter where we take the photographs and in all types of
We like to think it's the fairies stopping by to investigate
their new fairy houses
and miniature accessories.
The Fae can be found in Mushroom circles in Pine forests, in Hollows of Oak trees and amongst the Acorns, Pine cones and Autumn leaves. Milkweed pods are sure to lead you to the wee ones. Dew drops, primroses, running streams are regular homes for the Fae & Gnome. Here You will find photos of secret Faery homes which prove that Fae DO exist. as well as enchantments to summon Gnomes, Fae and Undines, and gain their favor. Tread lightly as you walk these pages, you NEVER know what you may find. Some of the info contained here will help in your search for the Fae, however you MUST believe Faery's exist with your whole heart.
*****Pics below are from ****
I call this mushroom "Alice" found on an Autumn trip to the woods of central Maine, when I bent down to touch this mushroom, I heard a tiny "bell" tinkle and saw something "white" scatter across the forest floor * |
~ Photo by Linda, Barb's sister 1999-2010
Another New Gnome spotting, Gnome is circled in white and then shown close up. This creature was found in the deep woods of Maine in an amazing Mushroom circle, I felt something scramble over my toes, when I looked down it was hiding behind a leaf as I snapped this pic. He was so wild it looked like a LEAF but it was gray blue with eyes. I left an offering of granola for my strange firend, who I belive laughed as I turned to leave. It was a very strange encounter. Later that day I kept finding money all around, not a huge amount, but silver dollars kept appearing in my pockets. It was such an amazing & magical experience.
My sister Linda snapped this pic in a favorite spot of ours in the deeps
of central Maine. It is where many (not all) of my photos on this page
have been taken. She has a house there and the woods are wild and
untamed with an incredible feeling you must experience to understand.
Well, she said she was walking awhile when she heard a sort of 'low
moan', when she turned around she found a creature looking at her from
behind a tree, the creature you see in this picture.
She was carrying an apple, but was so startled by what she saw, it
dropped from her hand and rolled toward this creature. She said it
stretched it's neck and ate the apple. Linda said the really weird thing
it was sorta transparent ghostly white with glowing eyes & no body
that she could see, just a long neck and face. Linda snapped this as it
ate the apple pic just before it dissapeard into the trunk of this tree.
She said it was the strangest thing she has ever seen. I am wondering if
any one else has seen a creature in the woods like this, we think it
looks sorta like a strange kind of Giraffe, but believe it may be a tree
Dryad (spirit)
Jasmine Aura
This is a picture of my Jasmine plant, JUST as it came back from the
photo shop.
NO effects are added, it seems there is a "aura" surrounding the flower
I am holding, OR could it be the energy of a Flower Faery? AMAZING isn't
it? This is one of my favorite plants, the tiny white flowers
hold the MOST bewitching fragrance. I use the flowers in magical
workings with the Fae.
Discovered in Hollow of Oak tree in Brooklyn, NY Spring 1998
Proof that Faerys exist ! "Moon Hollow Faery light"
Oak tree creatures, discovered summer 1998 Brooklyn, NY
I snapped this pic after hearing a scattering noise near this Oak tree,
Further proof that Gnomes exist. Photo by Moon (c) 1999-00
I snapped this pic after hearing a scattering noise near this Oak tree,
Further proof that Gnomes exist. Photo by Moon (c) 1999-00
"If you look close, in this photo I'm shaking hands with "Fae Shroom"
She lives in a Mushroom patch in Maine. She carries a tiny brass bell, shh...LISTEN!!!
Barbara Morris 1999-10
"If you look close, in this photo I'm shaking hands with "Fae Shroom"
She lives in a Mushroom patch in Maine. She carries a tiny brass bell, shh...LISTEN!!!
Barbara Morris 1999-10
Celebrate your Fairy Garden
After you create your magical miniature fairy garden ,
enjoy taking time to relax in your gardens trying to catch a glimpse of
the magical fairies
as the pass through the enchanted realms of your
Creating a Fairy Realm / Garden
It is believed that the Fairies usually emerge and play from dusk
till dawn, when all is quiet – here is a list of things you can include
in your Fairy Garden that will attract and delight them:
Additional tips & tricks:
Fairies love friends, butterflies especially so by adding a small flower garden,
or shrub will delight fairies as more butterflies will pass by.
Fairies love to feel secure, and protected,
make sure the doorways are easy accessible
so that fairies can disappear quickly from praying human eyes.
Create mushroom rings, but be careful not to cross the boundary border yourself! ….
you can buy fairy homes here
- Wind Chimes – Fairies love to hear the tinkling of chimes and bells, anything that chimes and is gentle music is appealing for fairies and if you listen hard enough, you may hear them brush past them! They love to dance!
- A Pathway – Give the fairies a winding pathway to follow through their garden to help them find their way – this makes things much easier for the fairies, you can use stones or gravel to make a little path.
- Water – You can make them a “pond” or fairy pool, by using any shallow receptacle filled with water. But not so deep! This will also attract water fairies.
- A Fairy Door – It is said that Fairies will take up residence wherever they see a fairy door. You can buy or make a small door and attach it to a wall or tree stump in your garden, making a fairy door doesn’t have to be difficult and it can be a lot of fun.
- Glitter – Pretty , sparkles, and shiny objects attract Fairies – see what you can find to suit their sparkling taste!
- Crystals – A crystal such as Rose Quartz, which attracts love into the home, can be placed in their garden to do the same for the fairies.
- Shelter – Fairies need shelter from the wind and rain too … this can be anything from a stone toadstool to an up-turned flower pot with a door cut in it. You can use a flat stone for “seating”! Lots of ways to make shelters, using twigs and leaves and earthy materials.
- Plants - You must, of course, have some plants! Try to keep them small, and even having a fragrant herb, too, such as a miniature lavender will delight the fairies’ keen sense of smell.
Fairy Trees
* Elder *
Elder is said to offer protection to the faeries
from negative spirits.
* Hawthorn *
Hawthorn, also known as Witches' Tree,
is one part of the sacred triad of trees that are said
to be sacred to the Faery. Oak, Ash, and Thorn, when growing
naturally together, create a place where it is easy to see
the Fey. Hawthorns were once believed to be the transformed
bodies of Witches, who had shapeshifted into tree form.
It is more likely that the spirit seen in the Hawthorn was
that of a dryad or tree faery.
* Oak *
Legend tells us that "Faery folks are in the oaks".
Oak trees are believed to provide safe havens and homes for many varieties of faery.
* Apple *
The bark of apple trees or the fruits themselves have the power
to transport a true-hearted seeker to the Otherworld.
Burn the bark as an offering to the Good Folk on Midsummer's night.
Also used in faery love spells.
Cut an apple open to reveal the five pointed natural star.
Fairy Herbs & Flowers
* Bluebell's *
Said to attract faeries to dance in your garden.
On Beltane eve, make an ankle braclet of "Bluebells"
and "jingle" bells to attract helpful fae folk to you.
* Clover *
A sacred faery plant, clovers of all kinds will attract them.
Lay seven grains of wheat on a four-leafed clover to see the Faery.
* Elderberry *
Used to make Fairy wine, these berries can be burned on a fire to invite
the Good Folk to a gathering.
Make a homemade brew of Elderberry Wine
and you are sure to have some thirsty visitors. It is said that if a human drinks the wine,
she will be able to see the Faery. If a human should drink Elderberry wine from the same goblet
as a Faery being, he will be able to see them forever after.
* Elecampagne *
Also known as Elfswort. This root can be scattered around
the home to attract the Sidhe. It can be added to any magick
or spell to invoke Faery blessing.
* Foxglove *
The source of the modern heart drug Digitalis,
Foxglove can have seriously dangerous results if taken internally.
Instead, plant Foxglove
near your front door to invite the Faery in.
Put a dried sprig of Foxglove in a talisman to keep you
surrounded in Faery light.
* Heather *
Heather is said to ignite faery passions and open portals between their world and our own.
Make an offering of Heather on "Beltane" eve to attract good fae to your garden
* Lilac *
The sweet scent is said to draw Fae spirits to your garden.
Lilac and primroses for midsummers eve, will please the Fae.
* Mistletoe *
The most sacred herb of the Druids. Mistletoe is a magical activator.
In Fairy spells, use a dash of Mistletoe taken on Summer
Solstice to empower your workings with Fairy magic.
* Milkweed *
Both Monarch butterflies and fairies like milkweed. If Milkweed is planted
in a Witches garden, the fey will always be in the area.
The silky tassels of the Milkweed pods can be added to a dream pillow to
not only make it softer but also to make you dream of fairies. In the Autumn
when the pods are bursting and the fluffy seeds are flying across the
fields, a wish is granted for each seed that can be caught and then released
* Peony *
Peony seeds were once used to protect children from faeries.
A garland of the seeds were placed around the child's neck to
keep them safe from a fairy kidnapping. In this day and age,
with fairy contact so drastically diminished,
I doubt that anyone would want to don this faery banishing
herb unless they were living smack dab in the middle of a circle of crazed Fae!!
* Poppies *
Said to invoke the faery into your dreams
Make a dream pillow of fresh poppies to entice the fae to your dreams.
* Primrose *
When planted in a garden or hung dried on the front door,
primroses will attract the company of Faeries.
If you have them growing under your care, do not let them die!
The Fairy will be deeply offended by your carelessness.
Primroses are great in container gardens.
Tie a pink ribbon around your container of Primroses while chanting;
"Sacred roses, hear my cry
for your protection, this I tie"
* Roses *
Roses attract the Fairy to a garden.
Their sweet scent will lure elemental spirits to take
up residence close by. Roses can be used in Fairy love spells.
When performing the spell, sprinkle rose petals under your feet
and dance softly upon them while asking the Fairy for their blessing on your magick.
Roses are loved by the fey so you can plant Roses in your garden to attract
fairies. Wild Roses are best for this purpose and you need to say the
following spell as you plant your baby Rose bush:
"I ask a fairy from the wild,
To come and tend this wee rose-child.
A babe of air she thrives today,
Root her soul in the Goddesses' clay.
Fairies make this twig your bower,
By your magic shall time see her flower!"
* Thyme *
Wearing thyme will increase your ability to see the Sidhe.
Sprinkle it at the base of your door, and on window sills to invite
the Fairy to enter your home.
Fairy Herbs & Flowers
* Bluebell's *
Said to attract faeries to dance in your garden.
On Beltane eve, make an ankle braclet of "Bluebells"
and "jingle" bells to attract helpful fae folk to you.
* Clover *
A sacred faery plant, clovers of all kinds will attract them.
Lay seven grains of wheat on a four-leafed clover to see the Faery.
* Elderberry *
Used to make Fairy wine, these berries can be burned on a fire to invite
the Good Folk to a gathering.
Make a homemade brew of Elderberry Wine and you are sure to have some thirsty visitors. It is said that if a human drinks the wine, she will be able to see the Faery. If a human should drink Elderberry wine from the same goblet as a Faery being, he will be able to see them forever after.
Make a homemade brew of Elderberry Wine and you are sure to have some thirsty visitors. It is said that if a human drinks the wine, she will be able to see the Faery. If a human should drink Elderberry wine from the same goblet as a Faery being, he will be able to see them forever after.
* Elecampagne *
Also known as Elfswort. This root can be scattered around
the home to attract the Sidhe. It can be added to any magick
or spell to invoke Faery blessing.
* Foxglove *
The source of the modern heart drug Digitalis,
Foxglove can have seriously dangerous results if taken internally.
Instead, plant Foxglove near your front door to invite the Faery in. Put a dried sprig of Foxglove in a talisman to keep you surrounded in Faery light.
Instead, plant Foxglove near your front door to invite the Faery in. Put a dried sprig of Foxglove in a talisman to keep you surrounded in Faery light.
* Heather *
Heather is said to ignite faery passions and open portals between their world and our own.
Make an offering of Heather on "Beltane" eve to attract good fae to your garden
* Lilac *
The sweet scent is said to draw Fae spirits to your garden.
Lilac and primroses for midsummers eve, will please the Fae.
* Mistletoe *
The most sacred herb of the Druids. Mistletoe is a magical activator.
In Fairy spells, use a dash of Mistletoe taken on Summer
Solstice to empower your workings with Fairy magic.
* Milkweed *
Both Monarch butterflies and fairies like milkweed. If Milkweed is planted
in a Witches garden, the fey will always be in the area.
The silky tassels of the Milkweed pods can be added to a dream pillow to
not only make it softer but also to make you dream of fairies. In the Autumn
when the pods are bursting and the fluffy seeds are flying across the
fields, a wish is granted for each seed that can be caught and then released
* Peony *
Peony seeds were once used to protect children from faeries.
A garland of the seeds were placed around the child's neck to
keep them safe from a fairy kidnapping. In this day and age,
with fairy contact so drastically diminished,
I doubt that anyone would want to don this faery banishing
herb unless they were living smack dab in the middle of a circle of crazed Fae!!
* Poppies *
Said to invoke the faery into your dreams
Make a dream pillow of fresh poppies to entice the fae to your dreams.
* Primrose *
When planted in a garden or hung dried on the front door,
primroses will attract the company of Faeries.
If you have them growing under your care, do not let them die!
The Fairy will be deeply offended by your carelessness.
Primroses are great in container gardens.
Tie a pink ribbon around your container of Primroses while chanting;
"Sacred roses, hear my cry
for your protection, this I tie"
"Sacred roses, hear my cry
for your protection, this I tie"
* Roses *
Roses attract the Fairy to a garden.
Their sweet scent will lure elemental spirits to take
up residence close by. Roses can be used in Fairy love spells.
When performing the spell, sprinkle rose petals under your feet
and dance softly upon them while asking the Fairy for their blessing on your magick.
Roses are loved by the fey so you can plant Roses in your garden to attract
fairies. Wild Roses are best for this purpose and you need to say the
following spell as you plant your baby Rose bush:
"I ask a fairy from the wild,
To come and tend this wee rose-child.
A babe of air she thrives today,
Root her soul in the Goddesses' clay.
Fairies make this twig your bower,
By your magic shall time see her flower!"
To come and tend this wee rose-child.
A babe of air she thrives today,
Root her soul in the Goddesses' clay.
Fairies make this twig your bower,
By your magic shall time see her flower!"
* Thyme *
Wearing thyme will increase your ability to see the Sidhe.
Sprinkle it at the base of your door, and on window sills to invite
the Fairy to enter your home.
- Fairy Friends – Fairies love to explore and play – small weatherproof ornaments of frogs, birds or any forest animal will charm them – let your imagination run away with you!
Additional tips & tricks:
Fairies love friends, butterflies especially so by adding a small flower garden,
or shrub will delight fairies as more butterflies will pass by.
Fairies love to feel secure, and protected,
make sure the doorways are easy accessible
so that fairies can disappear quickly from praying human eyes.
Create mushroom rings, but be careful not to cross the boundary border yourself! ….
you can buy fairy homes here
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