Urtica dioicaGender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Exorcism, Healing, and Lust.
Magical Uses: To remove a curse or send it back, stuff a poppet with nettle or carry it in a sachet. Sprinkle nettle around the house to keep evil out and to send it back. Hold nettle in your hand to ward of ghosts, carry it with yarrow to allay fear and wear it as an amulet to keep negativity far away. Nettle has also been used as a lust-inducing herb. The protective powers of the nettle have long been used in magic. Nettle is also thrown onto a fire to avert danger, held in the hand to ward of ghosts, carried with Yarrow to allay fear, and worn as an amulet to keep negativity away. A pot of freshly cut nettles placed beneath a sickbed will aid in the persons recovery.
Myristica fragransGender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Powers: Luck, Money, Health, and Fidelity.
Magical Uses: Carry nutmeg as a good luck charm. String it with star anise and Tonka beans for a potent herbal necklace. Carry it to ward off rheumatism, cold sores, neuralgia, boils, and sties. Nutmeg is included in many money/prosperity mixtures or sprinkle ground nutmeg on green candles for this purpose as well. Nutmegs have long been carried as a good luck charms, and are strung with star anise and Tonka Beans for a potent herbal necklace. Specifically, Nutmegs are carried to ward off rheumatism, cold sores, neuralgia, boils and sties. A Nutmeg hung from a string around a baby's neck will aid in its teething. Nutmeg is included in many money/prosperity spells, and, when ground, is sprinkled onto green candles for this purpose. To ensure a lover's fidelity, cut a Nutmeg into exactly four pieces. Bury one part in the Earth; throw one off a cliff into the air; burn the third part, and boil the fourth in water. Drink a sip of the water and take this last piece of Nutmeg with you everywhere; sleep with it under your pillow at night. No one will tempt your mate.
(Fertility, Prosperity, Love, Luck)Magical Uses: All nuts are potent fertility-inducers, and are carried for such uses. They are also included in many prosperity and money mixtures. Heart-shaped nuts are carried to promote love, while double nuts are very lucky charms indeed.
Quercus albaMagical Uses: The oak is the most sacred of all the trees. The most powerful mistletoe grows in oaks. The leaves are burned for purification, and the branches make powerful wands. The acorn is a fertility nut. It is carried to promote conception, ease sexual problems, and increase sexual attractiveness. The leaves and bark are used in binding spells. Planting an acorn in the dark of the Moon will bring you money. Oak wood carried will protect from harm, and hung in the home it will protect the home and all within. A tree as long-lived and strong as the Oak naturally offers magical protection. Two twigs of oak, bound with red thread so that they form an equal armed cross, makes a potent safeguard against evil. It should be hung in the house. Acorns placed in windows guard against the entrance of lightning, and a piece of oak wood, carried, protects its bearer from all harm. If you can catch a falling oak leaf you shall have no colds all winter. When a sick person is in the house make a fire out of Oakwood and warm the house with it to "draw off" the illness (do this only if you have a fireplace of course!). Carry an acorn against illness and pains, for immortality or longevity, and to preserve youthfulness. Planting an acorn in the dark of the moon ensures that you will receive money in the near future. Carrying an acorn increases fertility and strengthens sexual potency. Carrying any piece of the oak draws good luck.
Avena sativaMagical Uses: Oats are used in prosperity and money spells, and in rituals to the harveSt.
Nerium oleander(POISON):
Magical Uses: Although Italian magical thought says that keeping any part of an Oleander in the house brings sickness, disgrace and misfortune of every kind to its inhabitants, Oleander is occasionally used in love spells, but never internally.
Olea europaea(Healing, Peace, Fertility, Potency, Protection, Lust)
Magical Uses: On an Olive leaf, write Athena's name. Press this against the head or wear on the body and it will cure a headache. Olive oil has long been used as an anointing oil to aid in healing. Olive leaves scattered or placed in a room spread a peaceful vibration throughout the area. When eaten, olives ensure fertility as well as sexual potency in men, and are lust-inducing. Athenian brides wore crowns of Olive leaves to ensure their fertility. A branch of Olive hung over the door guards the house against all evils, and on the chimney wards off lightning. Olive leaves, worn, bring luck.
Allium cepaMagical Uses: Has been used as a charm against evil spirits. Halved or quartered onions placed in the home absorb negativity. An onion under your pillow will give you prophetic dreams. Magical swords and knives are purified by rubbing them with an onion half. Take a small white onion, stick it with many black-headed pins, and place in a window. This will guard against the intrusion of evil into the house. Carried, the onion gives protection against venomous creatures. Grown in pots or in the garden, they will also guard against evil. Halved or quartered onions, placed around the house, will absorb negativity and evil, as well as disease. For healing, rub the cut edge of an onion against the afflicted part of the body, visualizing the disease going into the onion. After, destroy the onion (burn, or smash to pieces and bury). To cure warts, rub them with a piece of onion and throw it over your right shoulder. Walk away without looking back. A large red onion tied to the bedpost will protect its occupant's sickness, and aids in recuperation. Never throw onionskins and peelings onto the ground; if you do, you throw away your prosperity. Instead, burn them in the fireplace or stove to attract riches. An onion placed beneath the pillow will produce prophetic dreams. If you are faced with making a decision, scratch your options on onions, one to each onion. Place them in the dark. The first one that sprouts answers you.
Citrus sinesisGender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Luck, Money, Divination, and Love.
Magical Uses: Add orange peels to love sachets. Add orange peel powder to prosperity powders, incenses and mixtures. Drinking an infusion of orange peels will guard against later drunkenness.
Orchis spp.(Love)
Magical Uses: Orchids have long been used in love spells, especially the root, which is carried in a sachet. The flower is currently one of the commoner floral symbols of love in the west, and when given, clearly conveys this message. Some types of orchids are used in creating visions, trance-states and inducing psychic powers.
Magical Uses: Oregano is used to help forget and let go of a former loved one, such as a former spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc. Burn in incenses or drink the infusion to aid in spells for letting go.Oregon Grape
Berberis aquifoliumGender: Feminine
Planet: Earth
Powers: Money, Popularity.
Magical Uses: Carry Oregon grape root to gain popularity, draw money, and financial security.
Iris germanica var. florentinaGender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Love, Protection, and Divination.
Magical Uses: Long used to find and hold love. Carry the root, add the powder to sachets or sprinkle it on clothing, sheets, and body and around the house. Orrisroot is sometimes known as the "Love Drawing Powder" The Orris root has long been used to find and hold love. The whole Orris root is carried, the powder added to sachets, sprinkled on sheets, clothing and the body, as well as around the house. Orrisroot powder is sometimes known as "Love Drawing Powder". In Japan the Orris was used as protection against evil spirits; the roots and leaves were hung from the eaves of the house and added to the bath water for personal protection. Suspend a whole root from a small length of cord or yarn and with this pendulum find answers to your questions.
Viola tricolor(Love, Rain Magic, Love Divination)
Magical Uses: Worn or carried, the pansy draws love. It is also potent for love divinations: plant pansies in the shape of a heart. If they prosper, so too will your love. A woman whose sailor love goes to sea can ensure that he thinks of her by burying sea sand in the pansy bed and watering the flowers before sunrise. If pansies are picked while dew is on them, it will soon rain.
Papaya Leaf
Catica papayaGender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Love, Protection.
Magical Uses: Use in love and protection spells.
Cyperus papyrusProtection)
Magical Uses: Place in boats to protect against attacks by crocodiles.
Parosela spp.(Love)
Magical Uses: Native Americans have used Parosela as a magical aid to hunting.
Petroseliunum crispumGender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Lust, Protection, and Purification.
Magical Uses: Eat parsley to provoke lust and promote fertility. Use parsley in purification baths and those to stop all misfortune. When eaten, parsley provokes lust and promotes fertility, but if you are in love don't cut parsley-you will cut your love as well. Though the plant has associations with death and is often regarded as evil, the Romans tucked a sprig of parsley into their togas every morning for protection. It is also placed on plates of food to guard it from contamination. Parsley is also used in purification baths, and those to stop all misfortune. A wreath of parsley worn on the head prevents (or delays) inebriation.
Passion Flower
Passifloria incarnataGender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Peace, Sleep, and Friendship.
Magical Uses: Carry passionflower to attract friends and gain great popularity. Place it under your pillow to aid sleep. Place passion flower in your house to calm problems and troubles and bring peace. Contrary to its name, the passionflower is placed in the home to calm problems and troubles, and to bring peace. Carried, it attracts friends and great popularity. Placed beneath the pillow it will aid sleep.
Pogostemon cablinGender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Powers: Money, Fertility, Lust.
Magical Uses: Use patchouli in money and prosperity mixtures and spells. Sprinkle it onto money, add it to purses and wallets and place it around the base of green candles. Use patchouli in fertility talismans and substitute it for "graveyard dust" where it is called for. Add patchouli to love sachets and baths. Use patchouli to attract people and promote luSt. Patchouli smells like rich earth, and so has been used in money and prosperity mixtures and spells. It is sprinkled on money, added to purses and wallets, and placed and placed around the base of green candles.
Mentha pulegiumGender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Strength, Protection, and Peace.
Magical Uses: Place pennyroyal in your shoe to prevent weariness during travel and to strengthen the body in general. Pennyroyal, when worn, acts against the "evil eye" and aids in making business deals. Keep it in your home (away from pets and children) for protection. Give it to quarreling couples to make them cease their fighting. Carry it while on a ship to prevent seasickness. To alleviate stomach problems, stuff pennyroyal in a green poppet then anoint it with healing oils. Pennyroyal placed in the shoe prevents weariness during travel and strengthens the body in general. When worn it acts against the evil eye and aids in making business deals. When given to quarrelling couples it will cause them to cease their fighting, and so Pennyroyal is an herb of peace. It is also carried on board ships to prevent seasickness.
Paeonia officinalisMagical Uses: Dried Peony roots are carved and/or made into bracelets and necklaces for protection, as well as for breaking spells and curses. Peonies planted outside the home guard against storm damage and demons. A chain of beads cut from the dried root was worn as a protection against illness and injury, and to cure insanity. The peony has long been revered for its protective powers. Worn, it guards the body, spirit and soul; placed in the home it wards off evil spirits, and planted in the garden it protects it against evil and storms. The seeds or roots are hung around a child's neck to guard it from mischievous fairies and imps. A variation of this entails carving Peony roots into small beads (called "piney beads"), and then stringing them. These are also worn for protection. Peony roots worn with coral and flint keeps away the incubus. Peony is also used in exorcism and the root is carried to cure lunacy. It should only be gathered at night, when its seeds are said to shine with an eerie light. Its root is sometimes substituted for the mandrake.
Mentha piperitaGender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Fire
Powers: Purification, Sleep, Love, And Healing, Psychic Powers.
Magical Uses: Use peppermint in healing potions, mixtures and spells. Wear it on your wrist to prevent illness. Smelling peppermint will compel you to sleep. Place it beneath your pillow and it sometimes offers you a glimpse of the future. Rub it against furniture, walls and floorboards to cleanse them of evil and negativity. Also use peppermint in travel spells. The essential oil is used in spells to create a positive change in one's life.
Diospyros virginiana(Changing Sex, Healing, Luck)
Magical Uses: Until recently, in Alabama, it was supposedly believed that if a girl wished to become a boy all she had to do was to eat nine unripe Persimmons. She would surely change her sex within two weeks! If you are plagued with chills, tie a knot in a piece of string, and tie the string to a Persimmon tree. This should halt them. If you wish to have good luck, bury green Persimmons.
Pimenta dioica(Love)
Magical Uses: Pimento has been used in love spells and sachets for centuries, especially among the continental Gypsies. Eaten it has the same effect.
Pimpinella saxifraga(Protection, Health)
Magical Uses: The Pimpernel is carried for protection and to keep people from deceiving you. When placed in the home it wards off illness and prevents accidents. Its power is supposed to be great that when dropped into running water it will move against the current. Magical knife blades are rubbed with Pimpernel juice to purify and empower them.
Pinus spp.(Healing, Fertility, Protection, Exorcism, Money)
Magical Uses: Cones from Pine trees are carried to increase fertility and to have vigorous old age. A Pinecone gathered on Midsummer (still retaining its seeds) is an awesome magical object, for if its possessor eats one pine nut from it every day, it will make him or her immune to gunshots. Pine needles are burned during the winter to purify and cleanse the house. Scattered on the floor they drive away evil, and when burned, exorcise the area of negativity. They are also used in cleansing baths. Pine needles are burned to reverse and send back spells. Branches of the pine placed on or over the bed keep sickness far away (or aid the ill). In Japan it is customary to place a pine branch over the door of the house to ensure continual joy within, for the leaves are evergreen.
Vinca minorMagical Uses: Periwinkle can help restore memory when it is gazed at or carried. It is also hung on a door to protect all within, and to prevent a witch from entering a home.
Plantago spp.Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Powers: Healing, Strength, Protection, Snake Repelling.
Magical Uses: To cure headaches, bind plantain to your head with red wool. To remove weariness, place it beneath your feet. Hang plantain in your car to guard against the intrusion of evil spirits. Keep a piece of the root in your pocket to protect yourself against snakebites.
Poison Ivy
Magical Uses: Add to divination incenses. It is carried to prevent poisoning and stroke. Fresh leaves rubbed on magical tools will increase their powers. An infusion made of mugwort is used to cleanse crystals and scrying mirrors. Placed beneath your pillow, or in a dream pillow, it will promote astral travel and good dreams.Poke
Phytolacca decandra(POISON):
(Courage, Hex-Breaking)
Magical Uses: Poke is used at the new moon to break hexes and curses. Make an infusion sprinkle around the home. Add a bit to the bath water as well, but do not drink!! When carried, Poke gives courage. To find a lost object, mix Poke with Hydrangea, Violet, and Galangal. Sprinkle this around the area where the article was last seen. The berries are crushed and the resulting juice is used as magical ink.
Punica granatum(Divination, Luck, Wishes, Wealth, Fertility)
Magical Uses: The seeds have long been eaten to increase fertility, and the skin carried for the same reasons. The Pomegranate is a lucky, magical fruit. Always make a wish before eating one and your wish may come true. A branch of Pomegranate discovers concealed wealth, or attracts money to its possessor. The skin, fried, is added to wealth and money incenses. Women who wish to know how many children they will have should throw a Pomegranate hard on the ground. The number of seeds that fall out indicate the number of her offspring. Branches of Pomegranate hung over doorways guard against evil, and the juice is used as a blood substitute, and magical ink.
Populus tremuloides(Money, Flying)
Magical Uses: The Poplar buds are carried to attract money or are added to money incenses. They have also been added to flying ointments, which were used to facilitate astral projection, and so are sometimes placed upon the body or made into an ointment when working with this procedure.
Papaver spp.Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Money, Fertility, Luck, Sleep, Love, and Invisibility.
Magical Uses: Use poppy seeds in mixtures designed to aid sleep. Eat the seeds to promote fertility and to attract luck and money. Add the seeds to food to induce love, or add to a love sachet. Soak poppy seeds in wine for fifteen days, then drink the wine each day for five days, according to tradition you will be able to make yourself invisible at will. To find the answer to a question, write it in blue ink on a piece of white paper. Place the paper inside a poppy seedpod and put it beneath your pillow. The answer will come to you in a dream.
Prickly Ash
Zanthoxylum americanumGender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Love.
Magical Uses: Use in love mixtures and spells.
Primula vulgaris(Protection, Love)
Magical Uses: Blue and red Primroses grown in the garden protect it from all adversities, and they also attract fairies. Though Primroses, to some, represent wantonness, women carry them to attract love. They are also worn to cure madness and sewn into children's pillows to gain their undying respect and loyalty
Picraena excelsaPowers: Love.
Magical Uses: Use quassia in love mixtures both to draw and to maintain love. The powdered chip is used in incense bases.
Cydonia spp.(Protection, Love, Happiness)
Magical Uses: Quince seed, carried, protects against evil, physical harm, and accidents. In Roman times, a bridal couple to ensure their future happiness shared a quince. Pregnant women who eat quinces often will cause their child to be ingenious. Serve quinces to loved ones to ensure fidelity.
Senecio vulgaris(Protection)
Magical Uses: The ancient Greeks used Ragwort as an amulet against spells and charms, and Witches were said to ride upon Ragwort stalks at midnight in the bad old days of the persecutions.
Rubus idaeusGender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Protection, Love.
Magical Uses: Use raspberry in love and protection mixtures and spells.
Rattlesnake Root
Polygala senega(Protection, Money)
Magical Uses: An infusion of Rattlesnake Root added to the bath and to the rinse water for clothing, offers from others trying to harm you. The root was used by some Native Americans to guard against Rattlesnake bites, and the infusion is rubbed onto the hands and feet to lead one to money.
Red Clover
Gender: MasculinePlanet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Protection, Love, Money, Fidelity, Exorcism, and Success.
Magical Uses: Add red clover to the bath water to aid in dealing with financial arrangements of every kind. Use it in lust potions and the sprinkle the infusion to remove negative spirits. Place it in the left shoe and then forget about it and it will keep evil from you. Wear some over your right breast and it will bring success in all under takings. If you have been disappointed in love, wear clover near your heart in a piece of blue silk to help you through.
Rosa spp.Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Protection, Love, Psychic Powers, Healing, Love Divination, Luck.
Magical Uses: Roses have long been used in love mixtures. Add rose water distilled from the petals to a love bath. A tea of rosebuds drunk before sleep induces prophetic dreams. Rose petals are also used in healing spells and mixtures. Lay a rose water saturated cloth on your temples to relieve headache pain. Add roses to fast-luck mixtures and carry it for personal protection. Rose petals sprinkled around the house calm personal stress and household upheavals. Rose planted in the garden attract fairies, and are said to grow best when stolen
Rosemarinus officinalisGender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Sleep, and Youth.
Magical Uses: Rosemary is one of the oldest incense. To rid a place of negativity, especially before performing magic, burn rosemary and let it smolder. Place rosemary beneath your pillow to insure good sleep and to drive away nightmares. Place rosemary above a porch or doorstep to keep thieves away from your home. Carry it to remain healthy. To purify, place some in your bath. Rosemary has long been used in love and lust incenses, mixtures and healing poppets. A chaplet of rosemary worn aids the memory. Smelling the wood often preserves youthfulness. Rosemary, when burned, emits powerful cleansing and purifying vibrations, and so is smoldered to rid a place of negativity, especially prior to performing magic. It is one of the oldest incenses. When placed beneath the pillow, Rosemary ensures a good sleep and drives away nightmares. Laid under the bed it protects the sleeper from all harm. Rosemary is also hung on the porch or doorposts to prevent thieves from entering the house, and is carried to remain healthy. Placed in the bath it purifies. A chaplet of Rosemary, worn, aids the memory, while the wood, smelled often, preserves youthfulness. To ensure the latter, add an infusion to the bath water. Rosemary has long been used in lust and love incenses and other mixtures, and healing poppets are stuffed with Rosemary to take advantage of its curative vibrations. Rosemary infusion is used to wash the hands before performing healing work, and the leaves mixed with Juniper berries are burned in sick rooms to promote healing. If you wish to receive knowledge or the answer to a question, burn Rosemary on charcoal and smell its smoke. Rosemary is also grown to attract elves, and the powdered leaves wrapped in linen cloth and bound to the right arm dispel depression and make the emotions light and merry. Rosemary can also been used as a substitute for Frankincense.
Sorbus acuparia(Psychic Powers, Healing, Power, Success, Protection)
Magical Uses: Rowan wood, carried, increases psychic powers, and the branches, traditionally, are fashioned into dowsing rods and magical wands. Add the leaves and berries to divination incenses, as well as those designed to increase psychic powers. Carrying Rowanberries, or the bark, aids in recuperation, and added are to healing and health sachets and mixtures, as well as all power, success and luck sachets. For centuries Rowan has been used for protective purposes in Europe. Two twigs tied together with red thread to make a cross is an age-old protective amulet. Cornish peasants carried these in their pockets, and Scottish highlanders inserted them into the lining of their clothing. Walking sticks made of Rowan wood are excellent tools for the person who roams woods and fields by night. Rowan carried on board a ship will prevent its involvement in storms; kept in the house it guards against lightning strikes, and when planted on a grave, Rowan keeps the deceased from haunting the place. The Rowan tree planted near the house protects it and its occupants, and those Rowans growing near stone circles are the most potent.
Ruta graveolensGender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Healing, Health, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Love.
Magical Uses: Add rue to healing incenses and poppets. Wear some rue around your neck to aid in recuperation from illnesses and to ward of future problems. To break hexes and curses, add rue to your bath water. Also, add it to exorcism incenses and mixtures. Place it in sachets or hang some at your door for protection. Rue leaves placed on the forehead relieve headache. Worn around the neck rue aids in recuperation from illnesses and also wards off future health problems. Rue is added to healing incenses and poppets. Fresh rue, sniffed, clears the head in love matters and also improves mental processes. Rue added to a bath breaks all hexes and spells that may have been cast against you, and it is also added to exorcism incenses and mixtures. It is protective when hung up at the door or placed in sachets, and the fresh leaves rubbed on the floorboards sends back any ill spells sent against you. The Romans ate rue as a protector against the evil eye, and the plant was also carried to guard the wearer against poisons, werewolves, and all manner of ills. A sprig of fresh rue is used as a sprinkler to distribute salt water throughout the house, clearing it of negativity.
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