Part of my Faery Garden is the herb called OREGANO,
which my Aunt gave me when I fetched my peppermint plants
that she bought for me ....
For several days, i have been drawn to its refreshing SCENT....,
thus it made me think of what magickal properties could it hold?
I have just placed a little pot of Oregano plant inside my bedroom....
I love rubbing its leaves and smelling it....
....and yes, back to its Magickal Properties..,
here's what I have found out from the Google,
and would like to borrow the informations from it....
The links are provided below as acknowledgement
and serve as reference purposes....
(Origanum vulgare)
Charlotte Branca in Herbal Legacy writes of oregano:
"Oregano has a very long history of use in folk lore.
Charlotte Branca in Herbal Legacy writes of oregano:
"Oregano has a very long history of use in folk lore.
It has been used
for culinary purposes, medicinal reasons,
and was believed to hold
magical properties as well...
Ancient Greeks believed that oregano was a
useful poison antidote
and was used extensively both internally and
externally as a fomentation to treat skin irritations
and infections,
dropsy, convulsions, and as an antidote for narcotic poisons.
Traditional Chinese healers have also used oregano for generations
treat a variety of complaints.
In Shakespearean times, oregano was used
for just about anything.
It is said to encourage good luck and good
It is used in spells for happiness, tranquility, luck, health,
protection and letting go of a loved one.
It is believed that when worn
on the head during sleep, it will promote psychic dreams.
symbolizes joy.
It is said to banish sadness and why not with its sweet
fragrance and velvety leaves...
It is believed if carried in a sachet or
charm it will bring good luck and good health.
It has also been used in
love potions and rituals
to enhance an already existing love
A tea or incense is used for any of the above as well as
for letting go of a loved one
whether it be a husband, wife, girlfriend,
boyfriend, or anyone else that it hurts to leave.
Growing oregano near
your home
is said to protect it from evil forces.
It can also been
carried as a charm for the same purpose.
Plant Oregano around your house
for protection,
and scatter it inside the house to protect it as
Magical Uses: rituals, love, happiness
The Encyclopedia of 1000 Spells lists Oregano for a courage bath and a spell to forget old lovers:
Oregano Courage Bath
"Bathe in an infusion of oregano (not while pregnant!) to calm nerves,
"Bathe in an infusion of oregano (not while pregnant!) to calm nerves,
regroup scattered thoughts and emotions, and to summon courage."
Oregano Spell
"The scent of oregano allegedly helps you forget old lovers..
the dried herb as incense or heating a few drops of the essential oil
an aroma burner are...effective."
In Hoodoo, this magic herb is considered protective,
against those who would meddle in one's life,
such as obnoxious relatives
or the authorities.
Likewise, some stregi use Greek oregano tea
as a protective wash for the home.
In some traditions of magic, particularly those originating in Italy
and the Mediterranean areas, oregano is used for protection.
Practitioners of some forms of Stregheria brew an oregano tea
and then use it to wash down the outer walls of homes,
forming a protective barrier against negative energy.
Plant oregano in front of your home to ward against negative magic,
or tuck a few pieces over your door for protection.
Keep a few pots on your kitchen counter or in your bedroom
to ensure happiness for all those who live in your home.
( this could be the reason why i was drawn to put a POT OF THIS PLANT
inside my BEDROOM! )
Magickal Properties
Planet: Venus, Mercury
Element: Air
Energy: Peace
Main magickal uses:
Peace, happiness, tranquility, good luck, health, and protection
Other magickal uses:
Animals, grieving, harmony, love, peace, protection, psychic development, weddings
Make a Tea or burn as anincense for any of the above,
Make a Tea or burn as anincense for any of the above,
and for letting
go of someone you love -be it a husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend,
anyone else that it hurts to leave.
Plant oregano in front of your home to ward against negative magic,
or tuck a few pieces over your door for protection.
Scatter it inside the house to protect it (add violets to protect the family from colds).
Carry it in a sachet or charm to bring good luck and good health.
It is also said to protect and promote psychic dreams
when worn on the head during sleep.
Keep a few pots on your kitchen counter or in your bedroom to ensure happiness
for all those who live in your home.
Rural Greeks crowned newlywed couples with boughs of oregano to wish them joy in their marriage.
In some traditions of magic, particularly those originating in Italy and the Mediterranean areas, oregano is used for protection.
Practitioners of some forms of Stregheria brew an oregano tea and then
use it to wash down the outer walls of homes, forming a protective
barrier against negative energy.
Use oregano as a peace-inducer.
Use oregano as a peace-inducer.
Sprinkle it into sauces and soups, or even onto cheese pizza to give a
peaceful energy.
Scott Cunningham writes that using oregano on a pizza
that contains meat will cancel the peaceful effect.
Oregano is effective for a wide range of conditions including colds and viral infections, digestive upsets, pain relief, and respiratory problems. Warming oregano can also be used to bring on menses and ease painful menstruation.
In the Kitchen: Together with basil, oregano contributes much to the distinctive character of many Italian dishes, but don't limit yourself to only using it in tomato sauces. When using the dried herb, respect it's potency, it's really strong taste can easily overwhelm other flavors in a dish. Be aware that some commercial, dried oregano may be from a mix of plants some not even true oreganos.You can make use of fresh oregano leaves in the summer, which has a lighter taste.
Oregano Side Effects: Oregano is a highly active oil that can be a strong skin irritant - use with care. Avoid in pregnancy
How to Use: Oregano
Preparation Methods & Dosage: Oregano tea made from the fresh plant will relieve nervous headache or upset stomach. The leaves can also be used in poultices to reduce pain and swelling. Oregano extracts provide the same benefits of the whole herbs in a concentrated, easy to use form, as does the essential oil. A few drops of oregano oil can be put in the hollow of an aching tooth to relieve pain. Sweet majoram, Origanum marjorana , has a more delicate flavor and aroma.
It is very rich in Vitamin C and anti-oxidants. Try a tea made with Oregano for indigestion, bloating, flatulence, coughs, urinary problems, bronchial problems, headaches, swollen glands, and to promote menstruation. It has also been used in the past to relieve fevers, diarrhea, vomiting, and jaundice. Unsweetened tea can be used as a gargle or mouthwash. Alternatively, the leaves can be dried, pulverized, and made into capsule form for when it is inconvenient to make a tea.
Herbal Remedies using: Oregano
Oregano Oil Fungus Treatment
Origanum vulgare is the strongest essential oil used to treat fungus and bacterial infections. Useful for athlete's foot, scabies or ringworm. 722
20 drops oregano oil
1 tablespoon carrier oil
Variations:Tea tree can be subsituted for oregano.
Prep: Apply oil two or three times a day. Use the strongest concentration your skin can tolorate for bad infestations.
Dry cough chest rub
Use two or three of the following essential oils in a blend, 5 drops to 1 teaspoon of carrier oil. Massage the chest and back. These oils will help ease breathing and quiet a dry cough.
Ingredients: Oregano, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Boswellia (Frankincense), Ginger, Lemon, Sandalwood, Tea Tree, Thyme.
Tea Tree /Oregano Oil Fungus Treatment
Apply undiluted oil to clean, dry feet for athlete's foot, or ringworm lesions two or three times a day. Continue for 7 to ten days after rash clears. Oregano, especially wild oregano, ( Origanum compactum), is a a powerful antifungal treatment
If you find the undiluted oil irritating, dilute with an equal amount of vegetable oil. This oil blend also works for scabies. Discontinue use if irritation persists.
Plant Description
In the older herbals oregano is referred to as Wild Marjoram, which can be confused with the herb known today as wild marjoram, Thymus mastichina , which is a wild-growing species of thyme."
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