Monday, June 15, 2015



Foeniculum vulgare
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Healing, and Purification
Ritual Uses: The thyrsus, which figured Dionysian ceremonies, was often made of giant fennel stalks with pinecones attached to the ends.
Magical Uses: Wear a piece of fennel in your left shoe to prevent wood ticks from biting your legs. Hang fennel at the windows and doors to ward off evil spirits and carry the seeds for the same reason. Fennel is also used in purification sachets, as well as in healing mixtures.


Trigonella foenum-graecum
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Money
Magical Uses: To bring money into the household, add a few fenugreek seeds (or a small amount of a fenugreek infusion) to the mop water. You can also fill a small jar with fenugreek and leave it open in the house. Add a few seeds every couple of days until the jar is full, then empty the fenugreek out and begin again. Return the spent herb to the ground.


(Some ferns are poison)
(Rainmaking, Protection, Luck, Riches, Eternal Youth, Health, Exorcism)
Magical Uses: The fern is included in vases of flowers for its protective properties, and is also planted at the doorstop as well. Inside the home, it is also protective. Throw dried fern onto hot coals to exorcise evil spirits. When burned outside, fern is used to bring on rain. The smoke from burning fern also drives away snakes. Fern sap, if you can obtain any, is said to confer eternal youth if drunk. The "seed" is carried for invisibility.


Tanacetum parthenium
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Protection
Magical Uses: Carry some Feverfew with you to protect you from colds and fevers, as well as accidents. Feverfew:(Protection) Carry with you for protection against colds and fevers, as well as accidents.


Ficus carica
(Divination, Fertility, Love)
Magical Uses: Small phallic images are carved from fig wood and carried by women who wish to conceive. They are also used by men to overcome infertility or impotence. Fresh figs are eaten for the same reasons. Write a question on a fig leaf. If the leaf dries slowly, the answer is yes, or it is a good omen. If it dries quickly, just the opposite. A fig tree grown in the home brings good luck to the inhabitants. Grown in the bedroom, it ensures restful sleep, and in the kitchen, will mean that the family never goes hungry. Before leaving home on a journey, place a branch of the fig tree before your door, so that you will return home safely and happily

Flax Seed

Linum usitatissimum
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Fire
Powers: Money, Protection, Beauty, Psychic Powers, and Healing
Ritual Uses: Flax was used in rituals to Hilda, the Teutonic Goddess who first taught mortals to cultivate flax, and to spin it into linen thread and weave it into cloth.
Magical Uses: Place a few flax seeds in your pocket, wallet or purse to attract money. Place a few flax seeds in a jar on the altar with a few coins, repeat each day, this also should attract money. Some flax seed in your shoe wards off poverty. To protect yourself while you sleep, mix equal parts flax seed and mustard seed and place next to your bed, on the other side of your bed place a pan of cold water. A combination of red pepper and flax seed, kept in a box somewhere in the house prevents evil from entering. Sprinkle the altar with flax seed while performing healing rituals, or include it in healing mixtures.


Inula dysenterica
(Exorcism, Protection, Chastity)
Magical Uses: Has been used since ancient times to exorcise evil spirits, and also to protect against their entry into the home. To ward off evil, mix fleabane, some St. Johns Wort, wheat, and a few capers into a sachet and hang above the door.


Digitalis purpurea
Magical Uses: Grown in your garden, it protects it, as well as your home. In older times, in Wales, the women of the house would use foxglove to make a black dye, with which they would paint crosses on the stone floors of the home to prevent evil from entering.


Boswellia carterii
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Exorcism, and Spirituality
Ritual Uses: The ancient Egyptians burned frankincense at sunrise to honor Ra. Frankincense is still used in the composition of some of the incenses used in the Catholic Churches.
Magical Uses: Frankincense is used in incenses of exorcism, protection, purification and consecration. When frankincense is burned it releases powerful vibrations that not only uplift those in the area, but also drives out all evil and negativity. It is also burned to induce visions and to aid meditation. Add it to sachets for luck, protection and spiritual growth. Rosemary may be used in place of Frankincense if necessary. No which should ever be without a stash of Frankincense!!


Alpina officinalum
Magical Uses: Galangal can be used for many different magical needs. Worn or carried it protects the bearer and draws good luck. Placed in a sachet of leather with silver it brings money. Powdered Galangal can be burned on charcoal to break spells and curses. It is also carried or sprinkled around the home to promote luSt. When worn, it aids psychic development and guards health. Ginger may be substituted for Galangal if it is unavailable, as they belong to the same family


Allium sativum
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Lust, and Anti-Theft
Ritual Uses: Garlic was eaten on festival days to Hecate, and was left at a crossroads as a sacrifice in her name.
Magical Uses: Garlic is extremely protective. Carry some while sailing to protect against wreckage. Place in the home to protect against the intrusion of evil, to keep out robbers and thieves. Hang over the door to protect against envious people. Garlic is especially protective of new homes. To send evil spirits away, sprinkle garlic on the floor. Place garlic beneath children's pillows to protect them while they sleep. When eaten, garlic acts to induce luSt. Rub a magnet or lodestone with garlic to lose its magical Powers.

Gentian Root

Gentiana lutea
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Love, Power
Magical Uses: Add gentian to love baths and sachets. Use in any incense or sachet gentian adds a great deal of power. It is also used to break hexes and curses.


Zingiber officinale
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Love, Money, Success, and Power
Magical Uses: Eating ginger before performing spells, especially love spells, will lend them power. To attract money, sprinkle ginger root powder in your pocket or onto money. Ginger is also used in success spells or to ensure the success of a magical operation. Whole ginger roots are planted and grown to attract money, or the powdered root is sprinkled into pockets or onto money for the same purpose.


Panax quinquefolius
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Love, Wishes, Healing, Beauty, and Protection, Lust.
Magical Uses: Carry Ginseng to bring beauty. Carry a root to attract love, as well as to guard one's health to draw money and to ensure sexual potency. Burn it to ward off evil spirits and break hexes and curses. A tea of ginseng is used as a powerful lust-inducing drink, whether alone or mixed with other like herbs. Hold a ginseng root in your hands, visualize your wish into the root, and throw it in running water. Ginseng can be a substitute for mandrake.

Goldenrod Leaf

Solidago odora
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Powers: Money, Divination
Magical Uses: Wear a piece of goldenrod to see your future love, this person will appear the next day. Goldenrod is also used in money spells. When held in the hand, the flower nods in the direction of hidden or lost objects. If Goldenrod springs up suddenly near the house door, unexpected good fortune will soon rain upon the family living there.


Hydrastis canadensis
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Healing, Money
Magical Uses: Use Golden Seal in money spells as well as healing rituals.


Ulex europaeus
(Protection, Money)
Magical Uses: Gorse is a good protector against evil. In Wales, hedges of the prickly Gorse are used to protect the home against fairies, which cannot penetrate the hedge. Gorse is also used in money spells, and attracts gold.

Gotu Kola

Hydrocotyl asiatica
Powers: Meditation
Magical Uses: Use in meditation incense, burn a small amount before, but not during meditation.

Grains of Paradise

Aframomum melequeta
(Lust, Luck, Love, Money, Wishes)
Magical Uses: Grains of Paradise are used in love, lust and money spells and sachets. It is also one of the herbs used for wishing. Hold some in your hand and make a wish, then throw a little of the herb to each direction, beginning in the North and ending in the West.

Ground Ivy

Nepeta heredacea
Powers: Divination
Magical Uses: To know who is working negative magic against you, place ground ivy around the base of a yellow candle and burn on a Tuesday, the person will become known to you.


Crataegus oxacantha
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Ritual Uses: Hawthorns were once believed to be Witches who had transformed themselves into trees. Witches have long danced and performed their rites beneath this tree. Hawthorn was once used to decorate Maypoles.
Magical Uses: Because Hawthorn is believed to increase fertility; it has long been incorporated into weddings, especially those performed in the spring. If carried in a sachet on a fishing trip, it will ensure a good catch. If worn or carried by those troubled, depressed or sad, it will promote happiness. Hawthorn protects against lightning, and in the house where it resides, no evil ghosts may enter. It is also powerful for protecting against damage to the house from storms. This herb has long been used to increase fertility. Because of this power it is incorporated weddings, especially those performed in the spring. The leaves, curiously enough, are also used to enforce or maintain chastity or celibacy. The leaves are placed beneath the mattress or around the bedroom for this purpose. Carried in a sachet on a fishing trip, hawthorn ensures a good catch, and worn or carried it promotes happiness in the troubled, depressed, or sad. Hawthorn protects against lightning and in the house in which it resides, no evil ghosts may enter. Protects the home against damage from storms. The Hawthorn is sacred to the fairies, and is part of the tree fairy triad of Britain: "Oak, Ash and Thorn", and where all three trees grow together it is said that one may see fairies


Corylus spp.
Magical Uses: Hazel's forked branches are used for divining, and the wood makes wonderful wands. Hazel nuts hung in the house will bring luck, and can be carried to cause fertility. Eaten, the nuts bring wisdom.


Calluna spp.
Magical Uses: Heather is carried as a guard against rape and violent crime. In potpourri, it adds protection. When burned with fern, it will bring rain. Heather is carried to guard against rape and other violent crimes, or lust to bring good luck. White Heather is the best for this purpose. Heather, when burned with Fern outside attracts rain. Heather has also long been used to conjure ghosts.


Heliotrpium europaeum
(Exorcism, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Wealth, Invisibility)
Magical Uses: Placed beneath the pillow, Heliotrope induces prophetic dreams. This is especially useful when you have been robbed - the thief will appear in a dream. Heliotrope is used in exorcism incenses and mixtures, as well as healing sachets. When placed in the pocket or purse, it attracts wealth and money. Also ring green candles with it, then burn them right down. To become invisible, fill a small horn with Heliotrope. Wear or carry and your actions will not attract attention.


Conium maculatum
(Astral Projection, Purification, Empowerment)
Another poisonous plant, Hemlock was once used in magic to induce astral projection, and in spells to destroy sexual drive. Its juice was rubbed into magical knives and swords to empower and purify them before use.


Cannibis sativa
(Healing, Love, Visions, Meditation)
Magical Uses: Marijuana, or Hemp as was commonly named, was once widely used in magic. Due to laws brought in during the 1930's, restricting its use and sale, many of these practices are dying out. Hemp has long been used in love spells and divination. Hemp was also part of many vision and scrying incenses, the smoke of which opened the psychic senses. Mugwort and Hemp were prescribed to be burned before a magic mirror to gain visions. It was also added to meditation incenses. Scourges made of Hemp were used in China as imitation snakes, which were beat against the beds of the sick to drive away the malicious, illness causing demons.


Lawsonia inermis
Powers: Healing
Magical Uses: Protects from illness and the "evil eye". Place it on your forehead to relieve a headache. Attracts love, if worn near the heart.


Hyosycamus niger
Magical Uses: Henbane is sometimes thrown into the water to bring rain. In olden times, it had many more uses, but is seldom used today due to its poisonous nature. Henbane is still sometimes used for its love-bringing properties. To bring love, one should gather Henbane naked, early in the morning, while standing on one foot. It will also bring love when worn or carried. Burned out of doors, it will bring rain, but the fumes are toxic.


Hibiscus spp.
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Lust, Love, and Divination.
Magical Uses: Brew hibiscus into a tea and drink for lust-inducing Powers. Use in love incense and sachets.

High John the Conqueror Root

Ipomoea purga
(Money, Love, Success, Happiness)
Magical Uses: Anoint one of the roots with mint oil and tie up in a green sachet, and wear to attract money. This root is also carried to overcome depression, bring love and success, protect from all hexes and curses, and to break and destroy all spells and hexes. To make simple anointing oil suitable for all purposes, take three roots, make small cuts into them with a sharp knife, and place these in a bottle of vegetable or olive oil. Let the roots soak in the oil for several weeks. Leave the roots in the oil, and use for anointing candles, sachets and so on.


Ilex aquifolium
Magical Uses: Holly is used as a protective plant, and used as decoration during the Yule season. Planted outside the home, it will also afford protection. Sprinkle holly water on newborn babies to protect them. An excellent protective herb, Holly guards against lightning, poison and evil spirits. Planted around the house it protects it and its inhabitants from mischievous sorcerers. When thrown at wild animals, Holly makes them lie down quietly and leave you alone, even if you don't hit them with the plant. Holly water (infused or distilled) is sprinkled on newborn babies to protect them. Holly is also carried to promote good luck, especially by men, since the Holly is a "male" plant (Ivy is the corresponding plant for women). It is also hung around the house for good luck at Yule.


Humulus lupulus
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Air
Powers: Healing, Sleep.
Magical Uses: Stuff a pillow with dried hops to bring on rest and sleep. Use hops in healing sachets and incense.


Marrubium vulgare
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Protection, Mental Powers, Exorcism, and Healing.
Ritual Uses: Burn to Horus, the ancient Egyptian God, after which the plant was named
Magical Uses: Carry a sachet of horehound for protection and to guard against sorcery and fascination. Drink an infusion of horehound to clear your mind and promote quick thinking as well as strengthen mental Powers. When mixed with Ash leaves and placed in a bowl of water, it releases healing vibrations, and should be placed in sick rooms. Horehound is used in protection sachets, and is carried to guard against sorcery and fascination. Horehound is also scattered as an exorcism herb.


Equisetum arvense
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Powers: Snake Charming, Fertility.
Magical Uses: For fertility, place in bedroom or use in fertility mixtures. Whistles made from the stalks of Horsetail are used to call the spirits.

Hydrangea Root

Hydrangea arborescens
Powers: Hex-Breaking.
Magical Uses: Use hydrangea to unhex by carrying, scattering around the home or burning.


Hyssopus officinalis
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Powers: Purification, Protection.
Magical Uses: Add hyssop to baths in sachets, infuse and sprinkle on objects or persons to cleanse them. Hang up in the house to purge it of evil and negativity. Hyssop is the most widely used purification herb in magic. Hyssop is one of the most widely used purification herbs in magic. It is added to baths in sachets, infused and sprinkled objects or persons to cleanse them, and hung up in the home to purge it of evil and negativity.

Irish Moss

Chondrus crispus
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Money, Luck, and Protection.
Magical Uses: Carry Irish moss or place it beneath your rug to increase luck and to ensure a steady flow of money into the house or into your pockets. Carry Irish moss on trips for protection and safety. Stuff it into money or luck poppets.


Hedera spp.
Magical Uses: Ivy is grown to grow up the outside of the home to act as a guardian and protector. It is worn by brides to bring luck to the marriage. Where Ivy grows or is strewn, it guards against negativity and disaster. Ivy is also used in fidelity and love charms. It is magically "paired" to Holly.


Jasminum grandiflorum
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Money, Love, And Prophetic Dreams.
Magical Uses: To attract a spiritual rather than a physical love, add dried jasmine flowers to a sachet or love mixture. Carry, burn or wear jasmine to draw wealth and money. Burn jasmine in your bedroom to cause prophetic dreams. Smell jasmine to induce sleep. Dried Jasmine flowers are added to sachets and other love mixtures. They will attract a spiritual (as opposed to a "physical") love.

Job's Tears

Coix lachryma-jobi
(Healing, Wishes, Luck)
Magical Uses: The seeds are strung into a necklace and placed around a child's neck to aid in teething, and are also worn by adults in the same manner to aid sore throats and colds. The seeds will absorb the pain or illness. Three seeds may be carried for good luck. For wishing magic, make a wish holding seven seeds (or "tears" as they are known) and then throw into running water. Alternatively, count out seven seeds while thinking of your wish. Carry these seeds for a week and your wish should come true.


Juniperus communes
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Anti-Theft, Love, Exorcism, and Health.
Magical Uses: Hang juniper at the door to protect against evil forces and persons. Burn it in exorcism rites. Wear it to protect yourself from accidents or attacks by wild animals. Juniper also guards against ghosts and sickness and drives off snakes. Add juniper to love mixtures and carry the berries to increase male potency. Juniper carried or burned also helps the psychic Powers and breaks hexes and curses. Used throughout Europe as a protective herb, Juniper guards against theft. It was probably one of the earliest incenses used by Mediterranean Witches.


Piper methysticum
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Powers: Protection, Visions, Luck.
Ritual Uses: Long used in rites in Hawaii and Polynesia.
Magical Uses: Infuse the root and drink the resulting tea to offer protection against evil and to invite good luck. Infused and left to steep overnight in the refrigerator, it is then drunk to enhance psychic Powers and to induce visions. Too much of the infusion may be damaging to the kidneys.


Polygonum aviculare
(Binding, Health)
Magical Uses: To bind woes and miseries, hold some Knotweed in your hand. Pour your problems into the herb; see it absorbing them, and then burn it outdoors. When carried, Knotweed strengthens and protects the eyes.


Lavendula officinale
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity, Longevity, Purification, Happiness, and Peace.
Magical Uses: Use in love spells and sachets, rub on clothing or place in drawer with clothing to attract love. Rub lavender on a piece of paper in which you intend on writing a love note. Wear lavender to protect yourself from cruel treatment from your spouse. Burn and smolder lavender to induce sleep and reSt. Scatter it around your house to maintain peacefulness. Smell lavender as often as possible to live a long life. Use lavender in healing mixtures, carry it to see ghosts, wear it to protect against the "evil eye" and add it to purification baths. Lavender has long been used in love spells and sachets. Clothing rubbed with the fragrant flowers attracts love. A piece of paper on which you have rubbed lavender is excellent for writing love notes on. The scent of lavender particularly attracts men, and lavender water or essential oil was worn by prostitutes several centuries ago to both advertise their profession, and also to attract men. The plant is so powerful that, if when depressed, one gazes upon the plant, all sorrow will depart and a joyous feeling will settle upon the observer. Lavender is also used in healing mixtures, carried to see ghosts, and worn to protect against the evil eye. It is also added to purification baths. Despite its love associations, in renaissance times, it was believed that Lavender, when worn with rosemary, would preserve a women's chastity.


Allium porrum
(Love, Protection, Exorcism)
Magical Uses: It is said that when two people eat leeks together, that they will fall in love with each other. Leeks may also be carried as protective amulets, and are bitten to break hexes and drive away evil.


Citrus limon
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Longevity, Purification, Love, and Friendship.
Magical Uses: Lemon juice may be mixed with water, and the resulting mixture can then be used for washing amulets, jewelry, and other magical objects that have been obtained second hand. This was ensures that all negative vibrations are cleansed from the object in question. The juice is also added to bath water at the time of the full moon for its purifying powers. The dried flowers and peel are added to love sachets and mixtures, and the leaves used in lust teas. Lemon pie, served to a spouse, will help preserve fidelity, and a slice of fresh lemon placed beneath a visitor’s chair will ensure a lasting friendship.

Lemon Balm

Melissa officinalis
Magical Uses: Lemon Balm is used in spells to bring success, and in healing spells. It is often used in spells to find love and friendship.

Lemon Grass

Cymbopogon citratus
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Repel Snakes, Lust, And Psychic Powers.
Magical Uses: Use lemon grass in lust potions as well as in an infusion to aid in developing psychic Powers. Lemongrass planted around the home will repel snakes. It is also used in some lust potions, as well as an infusion to aid in development of psychic powers.

Lemon Verbena

Lippia citriodora
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Purification, Love.
Magical Uses: Wear some lemon verbena to make yourself more attractive to the opposite sex. Use it in love spells and mixtures. Also use it in other mixtures to increase their strength. Lemon verbena is sometimes utilized to purify an area or add it to a bath for purification purposes. If this plant is hung around the neck, or a bit of its juice is drunk, it will preserve you from dreaming.


Glycyrrhiza glabra
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Love, Lust, and Fidelity.
Magical Uses: Chewing on a licorice root stick will make you passionate. It is also helpful while quitting smoking. Add licorice to love and lust sachets, carry them to attract love and use licorice in spells to ensure fidelity. Licorice sticks make useful wands. Licorice root was buried in tombs and caskets to help the soul pass easily into the Summerland.


Anaphalis spp.
(Longevity, Health, Healing)
Magical Uses: Use in spells of Longevity, as well as for restoring youth. It is also kept in the home or carried to prevent sickness or ill health. Drink an infusion of Life-Everlasting every morning, before eating or drinking, whilst saying, "Chills and ills, pains and banes, do your fasting with life everlasting". This will ensure a long life comparatively free from illness.


Syringa vulgaris
(Exorcism, Protection)
Magical Uses: Lilac drives away evil where it is planted or strewn, and indeed in New England lilacs were originally planted to keep evil from the property.

Lilly of the Valley

Convallaria majalis
(Mental Powers, Happiness)
Magical Uses: Use to improve the memory and mind. When placed in a room, these flowers cheer the heart and lift the spirits of those present.


Citrus aurantifolia
(Healing, Love, Protection)
Magical Uses: Take a fresh Lime, pierce it with old iron nails, spikes, pins and needles, and throw it into a deep hole in the ground. This will rid you of all hexes. Wear a necklace of Limes to cure a sore throat. Lime peel may be used in love mixtures and incenses. To cure a toothache, drive a nail into the trunk of a lime tree (but thank the tree first). Twigs of a Lime tree will protect against evil eye when carried.

Linden Leaves and Flowers

Tilia europaea
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Powers: Protection, Immortality, Luck, Love, Sleep.
Ritual Uses: Lithuanian women once made sacrifices to linden trees as part of religious rites
Magical Uses: Use linden leaves and flowers in love spells and also in spells of nature. Linden and lavender equally mixed make excellent pillows, which hasten sleep in the insomniac.


Liquidambar orientalis
Magical Uses: The seedpods are placed on the altar or held during magical rites for protection against evil forces. Liquidambar bark may be substituted for Storax bark.


Nelumbium nelumbo
(Protection, Lock-opening)
Magical Uses: Anyone who breathes the scent of the Lotus will receive its protection. Place the root of the Lotus under the tongue, and say the words "Sign, Argis" toward a locked door. It will miraculously open. Lotus seeds and pods are used as antidotes to love spells, and any part of the lotus may be carried or worn to ensure blessings from the Gods and Goddesses.


Levisticum officinale
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Love.
Magical Uses: Place a sachet of lovage in your bath water, this will make you more attractive and love inspiring. Place Lovage in the bath water (in a sachet). This will make you more attractive and love inspiring. Such baths are best taken directly before going out to meet new people.

Love Seed

Lomatium foeniculaceum
(Love, Friendship)
Magical Uses: Pawnee Indians used this herb in magic. The herbs are carried to attract love and new friendships.

Lucky Hand

Orchis spp.
(Employment, Luck, Protection, Money, Travel)
Magical Uses: This root of an orchid plant is one of the most famous New Orleans magical botanicals. It has long been placed in sachets and conjure bags for luck and general success, carried to obtain and maintain employment, and to secure protection from all ills. Fill a jar with rose oil. Place several lucky hands into the oil and let them soak there. When you need something, take out one of the roots and wear it. If you need love, wear it near your heart; if you wish to travel, place it in your shoe; if you need money, carry one in your pocket or wallet, and so on.

Mace Powder

Myristica fragrans
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Psychic Powers, Mental Powers.
Magical Uses: Burn mace to increase psychic Powers: and carry it to improve the intellect. Mace, the outer covering of the nutmeg, is burned to increase psychic powers and carried to improve the intellect.


Magnolia grandifolia
Magical Uses: Place some Magnolia near or beneath the bed to maintain a faithful relationship.


Adiantum pedatim
(Beauty, Love)
Magical Uses: Immerse some maidenhair in water, and then remove. If worn on the person or kept in the bedroom after this process, it will grant you grace, beauty and love.


Malva sylvestris
(Love, Protection, Exorcism)
Magical Uses: If your love has left you, gather a bouquet of mallow and place in a vase outside your door (or in a window). This will cause him or her to think of you, and after that they may return. To make an effective protective magical ointment, steep mallow leaves and stems in vegetable shortening, then strain. This ointment rubbed onto the skin casts out devils as well as protects against the harmful effects of magic worked against you.


Mandragora officinale
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Fertility, Money, Love, and Health.
Magical Uses: Hang mandrake on the headboard for protection while you sleep. Carry it to attract love and wear it to prevent illnesses. Where there is mandrake, demons cannot reside, and so the root is used in exorcisms. To bring the powers out of hibernation, in dried mandrake, place it in a prominent place in the house and leave it undisturbed for three days, then place it in warm water and leave it overnight. Afterwards, the root may be used in magical practices; the water in which you soaked it can be sprinkled at the windows and doors of the house to protect it, or over people to purify them. Money placed beside mandrake root, especially silver coins, is said to double and the scent of mandrake causes sleep. A whole Mandrake root, placed on the mantel in the home, will give the house protection, fertility and prosperity. Where there is mandrake, demons cannot reside, and so the root is used in exorcism.


Acer spp.
(Love, Longevity, Money)
Magical Uses: Maple leaves are used in love spells and money rituals, and branches of the maple have long served as magical wands. A child passed through the branches of a Maple tree will have a long life.


Calendula officinalis
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Legal Matters, And Psychic Powers.
Magical Uses: Garlands of marigolds strung on the doorposts stop evil from entering the house, and scattered under the bed will protect you while you are asleep and make your dreams come true or give your prophetic dreams. This is especially effective in discovering a thief who has robbed you. Marigolds added to bath water help win the respect and admiration of everyone you meet. Carry marigolds in your pocket while in court and justice will smile favorably on you. If a girl touches the petals of the Marigold with her bare feet, she will understand the languages of the birds.


Origanum majorana
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Protection, Love, Happiness, Health, and Money.
Magical Uses: Use marjoram in love spells and add to food to strengthen love. Carry it for protection and place a little bit in each room of your house to protect it as well. Mix marjoram and violets and wear it as an amulet during the winter to protect yourself from colds. Give it to a depressed person to bring happiness. Marjoram can also be used in money mixtures and sachets.


Pistacia lentiscus
(Psychic Powers, Manifestations, Lust)
Magical Uses: Mastic is burned in magical operations wherein a manifestation of a spirit is desired. It is also used as an incense to aid the psychic powers and has long been dissolved and used in lust potions by Witches in the Middle EaSt. Added to any incense mastic lends potency and power.


Spiraea filipendula
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Powers: Love, Divination, Peace, and Happiness.
Magical Uses: Use dried meadowsweet in various love mixtures and strewn about the house to keep the peace. The scent of meadowsweet cheers the heart. Fresh Meadowsweet is placed on the altar for love spells, or dried is used in various love mixtures. Also strewn about the house to keep peace. The scent of Meadowsweet cheers the heart. If gathered on Midsummer, Meadowsweet will give you information regarding thieves: if you have been robbed, place Meadowsweet on water. If it sinks, the thief is a man. If it floats, a woman.


Mentha spp.
(Money, Lust, Healing, Travel, Exorcism, Protection)
Magical Uses: Mint has long been used in healing potions and mixtures, and the fresh leaves rubbed against the head are said to relieve headaches. Mint worn at the wrist assures that you will not be ill. Stuffing a green poppet with mint and anointing it with healing oils can alleviate stomach upsets. Mint is also used in travel spells and to provoke luSt. Its bright green leaves and crisp scent led to its use in money and prosperity spells; the easiest of which is to place a few leaves in the wallet or purse, or rub it where your money is kept. To rid a place of evil, sprinkle salt water with a sprinkler made of fresh sprigs of Mint, Marjoram and Rosemary. Fresh mint laid on the alter will call good spirits to be present and aid you in magic. Mint is also kept in the home for protection. "Mint" is the general term used for the Menthe family, which includes Spearmint, Peppermint etc.


Viscum album
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Powers: Protection, Love, Hunting, Fertility, Health, and Exorcism.
Ritual Uses: The Druids revered the mistletoe, especially when found growing on an oak. It was, and still is, cut on Midsummer's Day, or else when the Moon is six days old. One stroke of a gold sickle was used to cut the herb, and it wasn't allowed to touch the ground.
Magical Uses: Carry it or place it in an appropriate place to protect against lightning, fires, disease, and misfortune of any kind. Mistletoe is placed in cradles to protect babies from being stolen by fairies and replaced by changelings. Carry or wear mistletoe for good luck in hunting, and for women to aid in conception. Use mistletoe in spells designed to capture the state of immortality, and to open locks. Lay it near the bedroom door, place beneath your pillow or hang it from your headboard for restful sleep and beautiful dreams. Burned, mistletoe banishes evil. Wear mistletoe around your neck to attain invisibility. Mistletoe is an all-purpose herb.


Artemisia vulgaris
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Powers: Strength, Psychic Powers, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, And Astral Projection.
Magical Uses: A pillow stuffed with mugwort and slept upon, will produce prophetic dreams. Ancient tradition states that while carrying mugwort poison, wild beasts, or sunstroke cannot harm you. Place in a building to prevent elves and "evil things" from entering. Carry mugwort to increase lust and fertility, to prevent backache and to cure disease and madness. Placed next to the bed, it aids in achieving astral projection. Place Mugwort in the shoes to gain strength during long walks or runs. For this purpose pick Mugwort before sunrise, saying: "Tollam te artemesia, ne lassus sim in via". A pillow stuffed with Mugwort and slept upon will produce prophetic dreams. Mugwort is also burned with Sandalwood or Wormwood during scrying rituals, and a Mugwort infusion is drunk (sweetened with honey) before divination. The infusion is also used to wash crystal balls and magic mirrors, and Mugwort leaves are placed around the base of the ball (or beneath it) to aid in psychic workings.


Verbascum thapus
Magical Uses: Mullein is worn to give the carrier courage. The leaves are also carried to prevent animal attacks and accidents when in the wilderness. In a sleeping pillow it will guard against nightmares. Use as a substitution in old spells for "grave dust".


Brassica spp.
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Fertility, And Mental Powers.
Magical Uses: Carry mustard seed in a red sachet to protect against colds and to increase mental Powers. Bury mustard seed under your doorstep to keep all manner of supernatural beings from your home. When eaten, mustard seed increases fertility in women. The Hindus used mustard seed to travel through the air. A more down-to-earth use is carrying mustard seed in a red cloth sachet to guard against colds and to increase mental powers. Italian peasants sprinkle mustard seed on the doorsill for protective reasons, and mustard seed buried under your doorstep will keep all manner of supernatural beings from your home.


Commiphora myrrha
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Protection, Exorcism, Healing, and Spirituality.
Ritual Uses: Myrrh was burned to Ra at noon in ancient Egypt, and was also fumed in the temples of Isis.
Magical Uses: Myrrh burned as incense purifies the area, lifts the vibrations and creates peace. It is rarely burned alone; it is usually burned in conjunction with frankincense or other resins. Myrrh increases the power of any incense to which it is added. Include myrrh in healing incense and sachets. Use the smoke to consecrate, purify, and bless objects such as amulets, talismans, charms and magical tools. Myrrh also aids meditation and contemplation. It is often added to sachets, usually with frankincense.


Myrtus communis
Magical Uses: Myrtle is burned as an incense to bring beauty, to honor Diana and to Venus, and is a symbol of glory and happy love. Myrtle tea will make you look beautiful to your loved one. A distillation of the leaves and flowers combined will make a wonderful beauty wash for the face, and is known as "angel water". It is used in spells to keep love alive and exciting. Grow on each side of the house to preserve and protect the love within. Myrtle has long been considered a love herb. A chaplet of fresh leaves and flowers worn on the head while performing love spells is highly appropriate. Myrtle may be added to all love sachets and spells to give them extra strength, especially those designed to keep love alive and exciting. It is also used to increase fertility, but interestingly enough, it is also worn by brides at weddings to ensure that they do not quickly fall pregnant! Myrtle wood, when carried, preserves youthfulness. A cup of Myrtle tea, drunk every three days, will do the same, but it must be drunk every three days without fail. When carried, Myrtle preserves love. If grown on each side of the house, love and peace will reside within, and it is a lucky plant to grow in window boxes, but only if it is planted there by a women. Myrtle is also used in money spells.

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