Tuesday, June 16, 2015


What is Fae or Fairy magick?

Faerie Toadstool
Faerie Toadstool
By Kat Sanders
Fae magick 

 is using mythological creatures instead of gods and goddesses as the basis of ritual magic.

 The Fae are not just fairies and pixies, but also gnomes, unicorns, dragons, elves, trolls and other mythological creatures. These creatures lived on our realm in the past but they moved to another realm once man started ruling the earth rather than cohabiting with its inhabitants.

How to learn Fae magick?

Fae magic is not easy to learn. It is steeped in lore and legend rather than guides and tutorials. There are a few things should be done to practice Fae magick:
  • Identification
  • Know the Fae’s limitations
  • Finding the Fae
  • Creating a magickal space
  • Meeting the Fae
  • Building trust

Each type of Fae has its own type of magick. Identifying which type of Fae magick is suitable is the first step of practicing Fae magick. Pixies are great with glamours, trolls with guarding and leprechauns with money.

Know the Fae’s Limitations

While each Fae is a magickal being, they are not all powerful. Each Fae has limitations and those limitations should be known to the practitioner.

Finding the Fae

While Fae magick can be worked anywhere, it is easier and more powerful if where Fae’s realm meets our realm is found. Traditionally, a fairy ring or ring of mushrooms can be found, but there are other ways to find where the realms meet. Usually, they are found by feeling a difference in an area. It usually feels more magickal and is off the beaten path. Take a walk in the woods, leaving the trails and paths. The Fae are hard to find, so don’t be discouraged.

Creating a Magickal Space

If a magickal area can’t be found, it can be created. Find or create an area of natural growth and cultivate it. Get to know the area. Fertilize and let it grow. Use the area for spell work and meditation. The more magick that is done in an area, the more likely the Fae will come. They are attracted to the magick. Find what trees, plants and flowers attract a particular type of Fae and build a sanctuary.

Meeting the Fae

Once you meeting area is found or created, prepare to meet the Fae.  Bring offerings of sweets, crystals and other pretty and sparkly things. Knowing what a particular type of Fae likes makes this easier. Meditate in the area letting the Fae get use to company. The Fae will come once they are comfortable. Visualize a gateway to the Fae realm and knock on the door. Then talk to them. Tell them about the purpose behind why the presence is requested. Eventually, they will come.
Building trust

The last step to getting started with Fae magick is also the most important step: 

building trust. 

 The Fae do not trust easily. 

They expect trickery, deceit and lies. Most Fae will share their knowledge, but they do not want that information getting out to the general public.  Only share information and spells with the Fae’s permission. Be respectful. Know that if they are lied to, tricked or used, they will bring it back on the ones that did it to them.

Fae magick

 is not the easiest type of magick to learn. It is considered advanced magick by most practitioners. Learn the basics of magick first.

source: http://www.examiner.com/article/what-is-fae-or-fairy-magick 





Faery Lore 

Beltane is the time when nature comes alive and the Spirits of Nature are most active. It is the time when faeries are most likely to be seen. Faery folk, or the fae, are an ancient race of people who lived in the British Isles long before the Celts or the Anglo-Saxons arrived. They are believed to have descended from the Tuatha De Danann (the tribe of the goddess Dana), a magickal race who flew into Ireland in ships descending from the clouds on Beltane. They came from the four great magickal cities -- Falias, Gorias, Finias and Murias -- and brought with them the four great treasures; the Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny), the sword of Lugh, a magic spear, and the cauldron of the Dagda.
It was from these cities that the Tuatha De Dananns learned all their knowledge, skills and magick. Indeed the De Dananns were said to be unmatched in their knowledge and beauty. From them, comes the vast majority of Gods and Goddesses of the Irish Pantheon.
The enchanted dimension of Faery has existed side by side with our human one for thousands of years. It is said that there was once a time when the human and Faery worlds were one. But legend tells that our human ancestors became trapped in the physical world. They became less and less aware of what was hidden just beyond their physical sight, and the vision of the Faery became lost to them.

Types of Faeries
Types of Faeries
where to find them
what they do
Faeries, Elves
Forests, faery hill and rings, fields and wild places, flower gardens
Dance and play. Know the magickal secrets of herbs, stones, and animals. See the future.
Gnomes, Trolls, Dwarves
Caves and mines, under bridges, hollow hills
Know the location of precious gems and metals, and how to forge and form them.
Brownies, Kobolds
Homes and cottages
Help and protect the family. Do chores by night.

This chart is from Ancient Ways by Pauline Campanelli and is not a comprehensive listing. 

Elemental Faeries
The idea of calling the elements into our circles is a carry over from the days when the faeries were asked to participate in our magick. But elemental faeries are not merely the four alchemical elements of earth, air, fire, and water. We do them and ourselves a great disservice when we merely call them to witness our circles. These faeries have personality and individuality. They are fully sentient beings with feelings and rights. Think of that the next time you call them to your circle. It will greatly enhance your experience. Elemental faeries can, and often will, aid human work, ritual, and magick if approached properly.
The artwork to the left is "The Pathseekerr" by Renee Yates
Direction, Element
What they do
Gnomes North, EarthGivers of material gain and stability. The rulers of the forest. Protectors of outdoor circles and groves. Seen as "Little People" or green light.
SylphsEast, AirGivers of wishes, knowledge and dreams. Delicate beings with beautiful wings. Protectors of magickal applications. Seen as "faeries" or white light.
SalamandersSouth, Fire Givers of passion and creativity. The rulers of fields and fire. Protectors hearth, home, or business. Seen as dragons, lizards, or blue flames.
UndinesWest, WaterGivers of love and friendship. The rulers of all water. Protectors of the gates of death and karma. Seen as merpeople, sirens or bright pink lights.

SOURCE:  http://www.earthwitchery.com/faery.html


Fae of the World

* Pixies *

Cheerful and mischievous. They often take the form of a hedgehog. They are also well known for their pranks. They adore music and dancing. Sing or play music for their favor.

* Goblins *

Vicious little creatures that can appear as animals. Make a scary carving in a squash or celery root glowing with candle lite, to keep them away from your home on Samhain.

* Leprechauns *

Irish fairies that are very cunning. Usually found among the clover. An offering of Ale is most welcome.

* Elves *

The Scandinavian form of fairies. Rich sweets as an offering will bring you abudance to come.

* Sidhe *

Irish fairies who are attracted to beauty. Roses & Elecampagne attract them to your garden.

* Sprites *

Spirit fairies. Their job is to change the color of the leaves in the fall. You will often find them wearing Acorn hats. 


* Dwarves *

Usually found in the mountains. They often steal not only property, but it is said women and children as well. ! Beware this devilish clan !

* Dryads *

Celtic spirit fairies of the trees. Find them in hollows of trees when Moon is full. See pic above !

* Gnomes *

They prefer the forests. They are the guardians of sacred grounds, locations and monuments. They have a weakness for gem stones, coins and things that glitter. They are the knowers and are extremely clever. Make a magical offering to the Gnome and ask for "Earthly" favors

* Sylphs *

Spirit fairies of the Air. They are transparent and elusive. They seem to be surrounded by a glow. They love acts of courage and quick movement. Make an offering to a Slyph and ask for "Airy" favors

* Salamanders *

Spirit fairies of the Fire. The salamander embodies the intuitive element of fire. Quick to defend you when called upon to do so, work with the salamander also to help strengthen your intuitive side. If ever you should had need to call upon the salamander for defense, remember that fire is as dangerous in our world AND theirs.

* Selkies *

Usually found in seas and oceans. They first appear as seals but become beautiful women when they shed their skin.

* Undines *

Spirit fairies of the Water. Usually found in forest pools and waterfalls. They have beautiful voices and can sometimes be heard singing over the sound of the water. An offering of perfume will keep them in your favor. Love rules this "watery" creature.
= Written and compiled by Barbara Morris 




  1. Could any one send a fae to me to assist me?I am a prisoner and I have a spiritual matter

  2. Send a fae to assist me with a spiritual matter
