Monday, June 15, 2015


Edited by Chas Bogan
The subject of roses as a sacred flower is extensive, so we will focus here on their relationship with Feri Tradition.
Feri Tradition has a unique affinity for the rose, witnessed even in the names taken by various Feri sects such as Bloodrose and BlueRose. The former of these takes its name from the Victor H. Anderson's collection of poetry titled "Thorns of the Blood Rose."

The name 'Mystic Rose' is used in Feri liturgy as one of the many names used to call on the Star Goddess; in Catholicism the name Mystic Rose is attributed to Mary, the Mother of God.

The Faery Rose tree is the symbol for the Axis Mundi in certain lineages of Feri. It serves as a portal through which astral travel and trance journeying to other worlds occurs.

Rose Flower Sorcery

Black: Anarchy / Death

Blue: Mystery / Secrets

Purple: Gay / Enchantment

Orange: Desire / Lust

Pink: Grace / Friendship

Red: Love / Romance

Silver: Poetry / Class

White: Innocence / Chastity

Yellow: Friendship / Jealousy
The single Rose is, in essence a symbol of completion, of consumate achievement and perfection... the mystic centre, the heart, the garden of Eros, the paradise of Dante, the beloved, the emblem of Venus and so on. More precise symbolic meanings are derived from the colour and number of its petals. The relationship of the white rose to the red is in accordance with the relationship between the two colours in alchemy. The blue rose is symbolic of the impossible, The golden rose is symbolic of absolute achievement. When the rose is round in shape it corresponds in significance to the mandala. -Cirlot
Rose Flower Sorcery

To Reconcile
To Reconcile
This spell will help reconcile former romantic partners as well as friends and family, simply use as appropriately colored rose to represent the relationship as it was and must return to. Red works best for lovers, pink for friends and family. You will require two roses, each of which you will name individually for those you seek to reconcile, such as Sam and Joe. You will pluck six petals from each rose, for a total of ten petals, and place these in a lightweight bowl. Your option then is to stir them gently with your fingers (careful, you do not want to bruise them), or to toss them by repeatedly jostling the bowl up and down. This motion represents the turmoil that the relationship between Sam and Joe has encountered. As you do this, speak the following charm:
From two blooms
Once torn apart
A renewed union resumes
For a fresh new start
Now that all the petals have been mixed together you will lay then on a blank, white piece of paper so that they form a single flower. Simply layer them together as shown at the right.
Follow the instructions on How To Press Flowers.
When it has completely dried you have a flower talisman that may be used in various ways. A spell unto itself, it may simply be stored wherever keepsakes are kept. Additionally it may be placed behind a picture of the reconciled couple in a picture frame, or have devotional candles burned upon them when some extra care is needed.
Arranging Petals For Flower Pressing
Bathing with Rose
Bathing With Rose
It is one of five floral ingredients for an Iron Pentacle bath, which includes:

Jasmine for Sex
Amaryllis for Pride
Dahlia for Self
Gladiolus for Power
Rose for Passion

Rose Water
Rose Water
Rose water is an ingredient found in many spells, especially those seeking to invoke love or beauty.
When making rose water, the first thing to consider is the cleanliness of the rose petals you will be using. Most commercially available roses have been treated with pesticides, so something from your own garden may be best. Either way, you will want to rinse your petals and lay them out to dry. After that, the following recipe is simple.
-Two packed cup rose petals
-Two cups of boiling distilled water
Place rose petals in a bowl. Cover the petals with boiling water. Cover your bowl (a simple plate may serve well as a lid). Let is seep until it becomes room temperature, then strain and refrigerate.

Rose Water
The Faery Tradition manner of making waters magical is done through the act of Kala, and this may be done to the water after it has been strained. While there are different varieties of Kala blessing that exist, in its simplest form it involves the Faery Practitioner aligning his or her three souls, then drawing on their united will to purify and charge the water with life force.
Moroccan folklore instructs the use of a special ink obtained by mixing rosewater with saffron. It was this ink that was used in the writing of magic charms. Another text, this one Coptic, suggests that the cure for demonic possession is to pray over a bowl of rose water, which then is poured over the afflicted.
Please note: The spells contained on this page are not intended as a substitute for any legal, financial, psychiatric and or medical services.
Rose Mythology

Edited by Chas Bogan
In Renaissance Europe the color yellow was associated with Jews and heretics. Later, during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, yellow came to be associated with Judas Iscariot, and therefore with his sins, namely jealousy and betrayal. Consequently the yellow rose took on these connotations, giving it a much different meaning in the West than it held in the East, the later culture seeing it as warm, healthy and positive. When the Victorian language of flowers later developed in Europe, the East had become fashionable, and eventually the Eastern associations with yellow were adopted by the West. It is therefore not uncommon to see dual meanings for the yellow rose, and yellow flowers in general, among the many books that seek to express the meaning of flowers.


Black: Anarchy / Death

Blue: Mystery / Secrets

Lavender: Gay / Enchantment

Orange: Desire / Lust

Pink: Grace / Friendship

Red: Love / Romance

Silver: Poetry / Class

White: Innocence / Chastity

Yellow: Friendship / Jealousy
Rose Flower Sorcery

A Yellow Rose Curse
A Yellow Rose Curse
In the Victorian Language of Flowers the yellow rose most often expressed jealousy and treachery. Today, many have forgotten this association, and it has largely been replaced with the contemporary meaning of yellow for friendship and cheer. This gives an advantage to those of us with more arcane knowledge, who are able to present a friendemy with the perceived gesture of a friendly rose, when in actuality cursing them. In itself this is a faint curse, little more than jealousy itself or the evil eye would engender. To embolden this curse one may spend the subsequent hours prior to the presentation of the yellow rose by placing it in a vase filled with your chamber lye, sulphur, and three nails (coffin nails work best). The nails can later be reused for other nefarious spells, and the solution flushed down the toilet. The yellow rose should be given along with a smile.
Rose Mythology
A seventeenth century fable tells of the prophet Mohammed, after one of his wives was accused of adultery, being instructed by an angel to determine her guilt by throwing a bouquet of red roses into a pool. Would they have remained red, her guilt would have been proven false. Instead they turned yellow, a declaration of her guilt and the reason why yellow rose came into existence.
Yellow Rose Folklore

Yellow Rose Folklore
Selections on yellow rose lore from 'Folk-lore From Adam's County Illinois'
by Harry H. Hyatt
#8979: A yellow rose given to someone of the opposite sex is a sign of jealousy. The person who wears any kind of yellow flower is jealous.
Link to Rose Numerology


The Yellow Rose As Jealousy
Pfeffel, a German poet, has pleasingly accounted for the origin of the Yellow Rose, the emblem of envy and jealousy, in the following manner

Once a White Rose-bud reared her head,
And peevishly to Flora said,
"Look at my sister's blushing hue—
Pray, mother, let me have it too."
"Nay, child," was Flora's mild reply,
"Be thankful for such gifts as I
Have deemed befitting to dispense
Thy dower the hue of innocence."
When did Persuasion's voice impart
Content and peace to female heart
Where baleful Jealousy bears sway.
And scares each gentler guest away?
The Rose still grumbled and complained,
Her mother's bounties still disdained.
"Well, then," said angered Florae—"take"—
She breathed upon her as she spake—
"Henceforth no more in simple vest
Of innocence shalt thou be drest—
Take that which better suits thy mind,
The hue for Jealousy designed!"
The Yellow Rose has from that hour
Borne evidence of Envy's power.
The Yellow Rose As Jealousy
Listen! from the forest boughs
The voice-like angel of the spring
Utters his soft vows
To the proud rose blossoming.

And now beneath thy lattice dear!
I am like the bird complaining:
Thou above (I fear)
Like the rose disdaining.

From her chamber in the skies
Shouts the lark at break of morning,
And when day-light flies
Comes the raven's warning.

This of gloom and that of mirth
In their mystic numbers tell;
But thoughts of sweeter birth
Teacheth the nightingale.
Vintage Tattoo
The Yellow Rose As Jealousy
A flower was offered to me;
Such a flower as May never bore.
But I said I've a Pretty Rose-tree.
And I passed the Sweet flower o'er.

Then I went to my Pretty Rose-tree:
To tend her by day and by night.
But my Rose turned away with jealousy:
And her thorns were my only delight.
Rose Mythology


Venus presented the rose to her son Cupid, who in his turn gave it to Harpocrates, the god of silence, to induce him to conceal the weaknesses of the gods. Thus the rose became the emblem of silence without ceasing to be the flower of wine, love and beauty.
According to Zoroaster, the rose was free from thorns, until the entrance into the world of Ahrimannes (the spirit of evil).
On the tomb of Ah, son of Abutalib, the mighty hero and companion of the Prophet, grow roses of the sweetest smell and the finest colour, which it is superstitiously believed will grow nowhere else, all attempts to transplant them having failed. -Carruther
Vintage Roses
Horace enjoins their unsparing use at banquets, when they were used not only as a means of decoration, but also to strew the floors, and even in winter the luxurious Romans expected to have petals of roses floating in their Falernian wine. Roman brides and bridegrooms were crowned with roses, so too were the images of Cupid and Venus and Bacchus. Roses were scattered at feasts of Flora and Hymen, in the paths of victors, or beneath their chariot-wheels, or adorned the prows of their war-vessels. -Grieve
The ancients crowned themselves with roses at their feasts to shew that the outpourings of the heart at festal meetings should never be divulged; they also sculptured it over the doors of their banqueting rooms, whence came the phrase," under the rose," signifying a conversation held confidentially. -Carruther
Rose Folklore

Edited by Chas Bogan
Orange colored roses were hybridized in the late 20th century, after the yellow rose was discovered and mated with the popular red rose.
For some, the creation of this orange rose was a feat likened to the Alchemist's quest for the Golden Rose, that which symbolized completion of the Great Work. This Golden Rose was also the product of Popes, who on the fourth Sunday during Lent would ritually gild a white rose, an act depicting immortality through the Catholic promise of bodily resurrection upon Christ's return.

The hybridizers themselves, though proud, did not see their creation as the pinnacle of their art, but rather as testament to the fact that Nature could yet give the world new creations. The Orange Rose became symbolic of that enthusiasm engendered by the theories of Charles Darwin, which promised an ever evolving universe. With this vibrant color the Rose had announced its willingness to reveal new hues, fragrances, and blooms with which to bless Creation.


A Foot Trafficking Spell
To Catch Your Object Of Desire
Strewing rose petals along your lover's path is a tradition seen even in modern times, as many a wedding has a flower girl to scatter petals down the isle before the bride begins her nuptial journey. Additionally the tradition of Hoodoo, which informs many magical practices in Faery Tradition, utilizes what is referred to as 'foot trafficking,' the act of laying magic objects and powders in the path of one's target. The orange rose, dried and powdered, may be sprinkled where the object of your desire is likely to step upon it, and thereafter absorb the power of your spell. Simply crush the dried rose petals into a powder with a mortar and pestle, stirring clockwise, imagining the two of you united in a kiss or other state of intimacy, while passionately calling his or her name.

Rose Folklore


Rose Folklore
Selections on Rose lore from 'Folk-lore From Adam's County Illinois'
& 'Hoodoo - Conjuration - Witchcraft - Rootwork' Volume 3, by Harry H. Hyatt

#1033: Roses planted on the last day of June will always bloom the following June.

Rose Folklore
Rose Omens
#1075: If in the country a wild rosebush springs up outside the door, the family living at that house will soon be rich.

#8980: How much a girl loves a sweetheart can be observed when she hands him a rose: if any of the petals fall off in the handing, her love is growing cold; if they stay on, her love is deep.

#8981: Any girl able to pop a rose petal named her sweetheart is loved by him.

#8982: If a girl while walking down a road slowly picks petals from a rose, she will marry the first single man met -- provided all petals have not yet been picked.

#15088: A spring with an unusual crop of roses will be followed by a summer of many deaths.

Scott's Roses
Rose Folklore
For Luck

#10104: Red roses in the bridal bouquet bring happiness all through married life.
Rose Folklore
To Heal A Wart
#6631: "I am getting away from the wart. I had several warts between my thumb and first finger. I didn't believe this -- if you have a wart, take a dish rag, rub over your wart, then bury the rag under a red rosebush -- but I took my dish rag, rubbed over my warts good, then put my dish rag under the red rosebush we had in the yard. Well, one day my warts were all gone, even if I don't believe in signs."

Rose Folklore
Roses Hidden In A Pillow To Curse With Illness
#16302: "We had a neighbor... at last she did get a spell on my husband. He was sick all the time. We just could not find out what was wrong. One day I opened his pillow and found two white roses on a string, and five little roses, they were not on the string. I found them just in time, for if those little roses had of been on the string too, my husband would of died. But I burned them up, and after that my husband got well." The roses were growing. As each rose reached maturity, it joined the string.
#16345: "Years ago a man out here in the south part of town was sick all the time, nothing would help him, so he went to a witch doctor; and he said he was bewitch, because he had seven white spots in the top of his mouth. If you ever see seven white spots in your mouth, you are bewitched. So he told him, if he wanted to find out who bewitched him, to wear a red rose on his coat; and he would work on the person so that when they met him, they would try and take the red rose away from him. So the next day he put a red rose on and went down to a saloon, and a man there just tried and tried to get the rose, but he would not let him have it. He took the rose home and put it in the stove and burned it good, and the man got sick and the spell was broken."
Roses In Rollerskates
Rose Folklore
Rose Dreams
#7413: Dreams in which you see a rose are always favorable.
#7414: If you dream of roses, it shows you have many friends.
#7415: A woman who dreams of a red rose will soon receive an offer of marriage.
#7416: A woman who dreams of a white rose has a faithful sweetheart.

Rose Folklore
#9089: Dey claim that if yo' use God's Name three times aftah usin' three different kind of roses, one a red rose, a white rose, an' anothah a kind of a pink rose - after usin' those roses - they boil those roses an' get de juice out of 'em an' takes a bath in dat juice. An' den take dat juice an' put a little bit in a vial or sumpin like dat in de pocket. An' put a mixture in dat wit High John de Conkah an' bluestone an' aloes an' incense; an' den use de word, "God de Father, God de Son, an' God de Holy Ghost" fo' nine times in de courthouse. Dat'll be impossible fo' a judge to give a heavy sentence.
Rose Folklore
Nor did the self-indulgent Romans disdain to wear rose garlands at their feasts, as a preventive against drunkenness. -Grieve
Boarder of Roses
Flowers vary their significance according to the manner in which they are presented—for example, reverse a flower, and its meaning is reversed; incline it to the right it means "I;" incline it to the left, "you." A rosebud with leaves and thorns signifies "I fear, but I hope;" stripped of its leaves, "everything is to be feared;" of its thorns, "everything is to be hoped." -Carruther
A rosebud from which the thorns have been removed, but which has still its leaves, conveys the sentiment, "I fear, but I hope,"—the thorns implying fear, as the leaves hope; remove the leaves and thorns, and then it signifies that "There may be neither hope nor fear;" while, again, a single flower may be made emblematical of a variety of ideas; a rosebud that has been already used and deprived of its thorns, says, "There is much to hope," but stript of its leaves also, it tells, "There is every thing to fear." -Nelson
Links To Rose Varieties
Link to Rose Numerology
Rose Poetry

Rose Poetry
Out of the seething cauldron of my woes,
Where sweets and salt and bitterness I flung;
Where charmed music gathered from my tongue,
And where I chained strange archipelagoes
Of fallen stars; where fiery passion flows
A curious bitumen; where among
The glowing medley moved the tune unsung
Of perfect love: thence grew the Mystic Rose.
Its myriad petals of divided light;
Its leaves of the most radiant emerald;
Its heart of fire like rubies. At the sight
I lifted up my heart to God and called:
How shall I pluck this dream of my desire?
And lo! there shaped itself the Cross of Fire!
Rose Cross
Rose Poetry
Men saw the thorns on Jesus' brow,
But angels saw the roses.
Rose Poetry
"Legend of the Rose"

The angel of the flowers one day
Beneath a rose tree sleeping lay—
That spirit to whose charge is given
To bathe young buds in dews from heaven.
Awaking from his light repose,
The angel whispered to the rose,
"O fondest object of my care.
Still fairest found where all are fair,
For the sweet shade thou'st given me.
Ask what thou will—'tis granted thee."
"Then," said the rose with deepening glow,
"On me another grace bestow."
The spirit paused in silent thought—
What grace was there that flower had not?
'Twas but a moment—o'er the rose
A veil of moss the angel throw;
And robed in nature's simple weed.
Could there a flower that rose exceed?
Rose by J. J. Grandville
. . .
Eglantine by J. J. Grandville
{replied the rose:}
"Young Love, rambling through the wood,
Fouind me in my solitude.
Bright with dew and freshly blown,
And trembling to the zephyr's sighs ;
But as he stooped to gaze upon
The living gem, with raptured eyes,
It chanced a bee was busy there,
Searching for its fragrant fare;
And Cupid stooping too, to sip,
The angry insect stung his lip;
And gushing from the ambrosial cell,
One bright drop on my bosom fell.
Weeping to his mother, he
Told the tale of treachery;
And she, her vengeful boy to please,
Strung his bow with captive bees,
But placed upon my slender stem
The poisoned stings she pluck'd from them;
And none, since that eventful morn,
Have found the rose without a thorn "
Rose poetry by Emily Dickenson
A full fed Rose on meals of Tint
A Dinner for a Bee
In process of the Noon became—
Each bright Mortality
The Forfeit is of Creature fair
Itself, adored before
Submitting for our unknown sake
To be esteemed no more—
Rose poetry by Osgood
No -wonder that cheek in its beauty transcendent,
Excelleth the beauty of others by far;
No wonder that eye is so richly resplendent.
For your heart is a rose and your soul is a star.
Rose poetry by Osgood

Edited by Chas Bogan
Betwixt the snowy white and passionate red sprouts the blushing pink rose, representing that state between innocence and rapture. When singularly given to another, it may represent feelings that are more romantic than friendship yet less carnal the lust; whereas multiple pink roses may be given to a friend as a thank you. It is also known to speak of grace, an elegant display of pink roses is a statement of refinement.


A Sweetening Spell
A Pink Rose Sweetening Spell
Do you wish to sweeten another's disposition towards you? Try offering them some candied rose petals. All you need are:
2 cups fresh pink rose petals (rinsed)
1/2 pound of confectioner's sugar
1 cup powdered sugar
2 cups water
Bring the water to a boil, then stir in the confectioner's sugar, repeating the name of whomever you wish to sweeten as you are stirring. Eventually this syrup will spin a thread, at which point it is ready to remove from the stove. Let it cool. As is begins to crystallize, add some petals, stirring them in to coat them, then removing them with tongs or chopsticks. Lay these on wax paper. When you have finished, pour some powdered sugar into your left hand and blow it across the petals or coat them. Flip them over, and repeat, this time with your right hand. Give them as a gift, or simply have one to offer the target of your affection.
Rose Mythology

The Roman goddess Rhoanthe was so beautiful these she was besieged by suitors and forced to take refuge in Diana's temple. Diana, however, grew jealous of Rhoanthe's beauty, and so turned her into a pink rose. A similar fate was enacted on those men who pursued Rhoanthe to the temple, for they were transformed into the thorns of the rose.
Different versions of this myth holds that its was Apollo who turned Rhoanthe into the rose, either because she rejected his advances, or more nobly because Rhoanthe sought to unseat his sister Diana's role as goddess.
When admiring a pink rose it is wise to remember that such beauty often has its price, imprisonment and pain being the payment.
Pink Rose Folklore
Parents have long had problems being honest with their children about where babies come from, preferring instead to fill their wee heads with tales of storks and such. One bit of English lore told to children claimed that baby girls were born from pink roses.
Pink Rose Hand With Wedding Band


How We Came To Have Pink Roses
Once, ever and ever so long ago, we didn't have any pink roses. All the roses in the world were white. There weren't any red roses, or any yellow ones, or any pink ones. There were only white roses. One morning, very early, a little white rosebud woke up and saw the sun looking at her. The sun stared so hard, the little white rosebud did not know what to do. She just looked up at him and said, "Why are you looking at me so hard?" "Because you are so pretty," said the big, round sun. This made the little white rosebud blush. She blushed very pink, and all her little children since then have been little pink roses. -Grover

Pink Rose Botanical Illustration As erst in Eden's blissful bowers.
Young Eve surveyed her countless flowers,
An opening Rose of purest white
She marked with eye that beamed delight,
Its leaves she kissed, and straight it drew
From beauty's lip the vermeil hue.
Pink Rose Poetry
Ah! thou hast left to live; and in the time
When scarce thou blossom'dst in thy pleasant prime:
So falls by northern blast a virgin rose.
At half that doth her bashful bosom close;
So a sweet flower languishing decays,
That late did blush when kissed by Phoebus' rays;
So Phoebus mounting the meridian's height.
Choked by pale Phoebe, faints unto our sight;
Astonished Nature sullen stands to see
The life of all this all so changed to be;
In gloomy gowns the stars this loss deplore.
The sea with murmuring mountains beats the shore.

Pink Rose Poetry

He flew the length of India
Where the weird wild banyon grows
There met the Peacock Emperor
Where, after tea, took together,
Our falcon pluck’d a tail‐feather
& won him a light‐pink rose.
Peacock and Roses
Edited by Chas Bogan
White roses appear in the mythology of many cultures, quite often as a symbol of purity and innocence which then gains color from emotional or violent events, such as by the blush of an aroused goddess or by the blood of a slain warrior. Sometimes called the 'bridal rose' it compliments the bride's white dress and likewise represents her unwed state of virginity. In more contemporary times the white rose (die Weiße Rose) was the symbol adopted by German students who opposed Hitler's regime in the 1940's, and therefore continues to appear as a symbol against anti-intellectualism and prejudice.

In Alchemy the White Rose represents the lunar, feminine force of Salt, and is also known as the White Queen of White Moon. This White Rose represents the force of the Soul in Alchemy (and the anima and animus in Jungian psychology). It is associated with the 'white stone of multiplication,' representing the second purifying white phase (Albedo) 0f the Magnum Opus. This stage is also associated with the White Swan, and with silver.
The White Rose in the Fool card of the Tarot
White Rose Mythology

White Rose Mythology
An Uncrossing
An uncrossing bath cleanses you of negative energy, removing jinxes and runs of bad luck that act as obstacles in your path. While there are many cures to uncross yourself, including the Feri rite of Kala, bathing in white roses is among the most pleasurable.
For this working you will need three white roses, removed from their stems. Be aware that many store-bought roses contain pesticides, which hinder purification. Also, a white towel, a cup of salt, and two white candles with holders and a means for lighting them.
Next you will need a tub to soak in. If all you have is a shower then you may add the three roses to a pitcher of warm water and pour that over yourself, however if you are going that route then you may as well use many of the more scented uncrossing products found from spiritual suppliers. Otherwise, if you do have a tub then draw a nice warm bath. Toss in the salt, then the white roses, and set the two lit candles on the floor outside the tub wide enough apart that you can step between them and into the tub.
Once in the tub, take the time to think about your woes, all the things that have lead you enact this ritual. Feel the negativity wash off of you, into the water that is itself cleansed by the roses. The flowers will likely fall away from one another, surrounding you with petals. Relax, and let your cares soak into the water.
You should come to a point of feeling lighter, relaxed yet energized, and when that time has come you will depart from the bath, stepping out between the two white candles. These are pillars, marking an exit from your woes and an entryway into a renewed life. Gently blot yourself dry with a white towel, then extinguish your candles and drain the tub. It is done. You are crossed no longer.

White Rose Mythology
To Commune With Ana
Ana, Our Lady of Lei & Veil, is a Goddess of many mysteries. To discover certain of her secrets, one must don her headdress, for it is in the darkness behind the lace that her secrets are seen. There you may also hear her voice, one of several, for she has various voices and aspects. Those most recognized include White Mari, Blue Mari, and Black Mari, each of whom is contained in the parcels of her veil.
White Roses / Blue Ribbon / Black fabric and lace
The white roses may be fresh, although dried work just as well. Nine of these are needed. The shortened stems of these will be tucked into the folds of the braid you will craft from thirty inches of royal blue ribbon. You will first want to tie it around your skull, then place the flowers with the area that is to crown you. Lastly you will cut a thirty two inch square from black fabric, thick enough to conceal light. Layering upon that is recommended, such as with black tulle and black lace, even black ribbon and black beads can be incorporated. When the time comes for you to wear this, you will simply lay the fabric atop your head and place the wreath over it and around your skull.

It would serve you best to beware Our Lady, least you find yourself draped in black, covered with white roses, with lifeless skin of blue.
Rose Mythology

Lord Byron writes that among the ancients, who considered the Rose as the queen of flowers, it was the custom to crown new-married persons with a chaplet of Red and White Roses; and in the procession of the Corybantes, the goddess Cybele, the protectress of cities, was pelted with White Roses.
White Rose Mythology
Persian legend declares that the rose is the leader of flowers. One day the flowers sought Allah, asking that they be given a new leader, as the lotus spent the night sleeping rather than remaining vigil. For them Allah created the white rose.
White Rose Mythology
One version of Arthurian legend holds that Nimue (the Lady of the Lake) entrapped Merlin in a tower she created from a white rose while the wizard was traveling through the Breceliande woods.
White Rose Mythology
A Jewish legend from 14th century folklorist Sir John Mandeville tells of Zillah, a maiden falsely accused her of consorting with devils by a jilted suitor named Hamuel. Though punished with execution, the fire did not burn her, even as Hamuel bursts into flames. From the ashes that consumed all but her grew white roses celebrating her innocence, whereas a red rose grew from Hamuel's ashes to declare how treacherously he was out for blood.
Black Hearted Rose
White Rose Mythology
A Cherokee legend tells of the maiden Nunnishi, whose prayer for protection creates the rose known as White Cherokee (Rosa Laevigata), which spontaneously grows to surround and protect her from the fray of an invasion.
White Rose Folklore

White Rose Folklore
#7416: A woman who dreams of a white rose has a faithful sweetheart. -Harry H. Hyatt
White Rose Customs
Among the ancients, who considered the Rose as the queen of flowers, it was the custom to crown new-married persons with a chaplet of Red and White Roses; and in the procession of the Corybantes, the goddess Cybele, the protectress of cities, was pelted with White Roses. -Dumont
White Rose Poetry
The White Rose

The red rose whispers of passion,
And the white rose breathes of love;
O, the red rose is a falcon,
And the white rose is a dove.

But I send you a cream-white rosebud
With a flush on its petal tips;
For the love that is purest and sweetest
Has a kiss of desire on the lips.
-O' Reily
White Rose Poetry
A single rose is shedding
Its lovely lustre meek and pale:
It looks as planted by despair—
So white, so faint—the slightest gale
Might whirl the leaves on high.



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    I perform my Rituals only at night between the hours of 0.00 - 0.59 (South African time) lasting 1 hour but of course, this depends on the nature of the ritual, some rituals might take hours and can also become necessary to be performed at specials places like; flowing streams, cemeteries and other places dictated by the gods.
    I do not want anyone to be under any illusions about my spells and its numerous rituals. Real and effective Voodoo is no child's play, it is expensive because, after the rituals, I will have to destroy all the materials involved by fire and the ashes scattered over a flowing stream or river.
    You will get what you seek.But please understand this might take a lot of time and that individual results may vary. contact +27663492930,

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