Monday, June 15, 2015


Feri Practices
Blue Fire Meditation
Adapted from Traditional Bloodrosian Material
by Storm Faerywolf 

Perform a relaxation exercise prior to this working.
Sit in a comfortable position with your eyes fixed upon a candle flame. Softly stare into the flame, clearing your thoughts and concentrating on nothing other than the flame before you.
Become aware of your body, feeling yourself relax. Notice your breathing. Feel your body becoming warm and relaxed. Allow all of your residual tension to flow into the Earth. With each breath you become more and more relaxed. Close your eyes.
Feel yourself floating in darkness on the waves of your breath. Continue to breathe in a slow, deep rhythm. Imagine that the air all around you is beginning to glow electric blue, becoming like an electrically-charged mist or fire so that now you are floating in a sea of electric blue radiance. Know that this electric blue energy is that which powers the natural universe.
As you inhale, feel this light and power enter you through your nostrils. Feel how it flows down your throat and into your lungs. As you exhale you retain the blue fire but allow the air to be released. With every inhale you are able to absorb more and more of this energy that flows out into the rest of your body. Continue to do this until your entire body is completely enveloped and saturated with electric blue fire.
Practice filling yourself up and then emptying yourself completely with your breath.
Pore Breathing
A slight variation from the above. Begin with relaxation and rhythmic breathing. Now, when you are about to absorb the blue-fire, instead of absorbing it through your nostrils and into your lungs, your breath moves through the pores in your skin, filling your entire body with every breath. Continue as above.
Directing the Blue Fire
Charge yourself with the Blue Fire as directed above.
Allow your hands to rest together in your lap. Imagine that the Blue Fire is gathering from your body and into a bright, glowing ball of vibrational energy at the space where your head meets your neck. As you exhale, move the ball down your left arm to your left hand. As you inhale, feel it move to your right hand and back up your right arm to its starting place.
Continue this process until you have established a steady rhythm, and then begin to slowly accelerate the ball while maintaining the slow speed and rhythm of your breath. With every breath the ball moves faster, and faster, until it blurs altogether and becomes a shining bar of electric blue light. Maintain this acceleration without changing your breathing.
When you feel the bar is at its strongest. Open your eyes and look at the space between your hands. Slowly move your hands farther and farther apart, noticing if you can perceive the blue fire moving between them.
Slow the energy down by focusing on your breathing and by visualizing the band of light slowing down, becoming once again a ball, and then finally coming to rest where your head meets your neck. As you continue to breathe, allow this ball of power to dissolve and be absorbed into your body.
Once this exercise has been mastered, try sending the blue fire to different parts of your body, and even outward and into objects that you may be holding, and later objects that are in your line of sight.

Based on Oral Teachings
And adapted by Storm Faerywolf 



 Feri Practices
The Candle Prayer
A Traditional Feri Opening Prayer
Adapted by Storm Faerywolf 

The Candle Rite is a traditional Feri opening ritual in which we invoke the presence of the Star Goddess —that primal origin of all creation— by associating symbolically with the creation of the universe. It marks the beginning of every Feri ritual, and is the first step (and in some cases the only step) in the creation of a sacred space. Each ritual in Feri begins with the lighting of the Star Goddess candle, and ends when it is extinguished.
Take your time with this exercise. It may seem overly simple at first, but it is an important step toward the development of your personal power. When you feel comfortable with it, then you may extend it by adding other ritual elements afterward, but in the beginning make sure that you take you time to focus just on the shifting of energy as you light, and then extinguish, the candle. 

The Prayer
Begin by performing a relaxation and grounding rite.
Feeling the presence of power within you, light your altar candle (traditionally black) and imagine that some of your power is being sent into the flame where it will radiate back to you with the power of Divinity. Gaze softly at the flame and imagine that this flame is one and the same as the fire of Divine presence that burns within you. Take your time with this. When you feel that you have achieved this sensation, cross your arms over your chest (left over right) and say:
"Holy Mother,
In You we live, move, and have our being.
From You all things emerge.
And unto You all things return."
Bow in reverence to the candle flame, knowing that it not only represents the first light that divided the primal dark, but that it is this very light.

Continue to breathe slowly feeling this presence for awhile. You may then perform whatever other ritual or meditative activities you wish, or you may move on to the next step.
When you are ready, give silent thanks to the Star Goddess for Her presence. Imagine that you are calling back into yourself that power from the candle which you gave to it at its lighting... Feel it enter you on your inhale and feel that you are absorbing it fully, making you strong and whole. Blow out the candle and breathe in silence for the span of at least three breaths.
©2005 Storm Faerywolf 


Feri Practices
The Personal Trinity:
Notes on the Three Souls of F(a)eri(e)
by Storm Faerywolf

Many cultures have recognized the multiplicity of the human being.
Ancient Egyptians recognized seven souls, each having their own unique position and role within the community of the self.
Many cultures illustrate the concept of a Divine trinity. Ancient Egyptians honored a sacred triad in the worship of Isis, Osiris, and Horus. Ancient Celts were very fond of the number three, recognizing three seasons, three elements, and numerous manifestations of a triple Goddess.
Christianity recognizes the sacred power of the number three with its idea of the Holy Trinity. Representing the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, this esoteric concept describes the dynamic relationship between three interrelated Divine forces that have been recognized and variously named throughout history. Having characterized Divinity as existing in triune aspects, it is not a small step to then describe humans in the same way? If man is made in Gods’ image, then why not?
The Feri/Faery Tradition of Witchcraft recognizes three selves or souls in a manner similar to that of the Polynesian Huna, amongst other spiritual cultures.
Shamanic practitioners have long worked with a practice that some call ‘soul retrieval’ in which part of a person’s soul or vital energy is re-claimed and brought back into alignment with the totality of the human being. This is a common healing technique amongst tribal healers and is something that can be used just as easily today.
A commonality in these systems is that each soul has its own language or method of communication, as well as its own type of energy. By familiarizing one’s self with each of these enables us to more easily access our fullest potential.

Talker (Talking Self, Middle-Self, Ego*)

This is the energetic interface through which we engage the world; it is that layer of ourselves that is concerned with exchanging energy and connecting with others, and also in defining our separateness from them. It is analytical, logical, verbal, and self-aware. It is that part usually described as the ego, and so is the part of ourselves that we are generally most familiar with.

Fetch (Younger Self, Child Self, Lower Self, Animal spirit, aka body, wraith, sub-conscious*)

Called by the Kahuna Unihipili, and Nephesh by Jewish mystics, the Lower Self, Younger Self, Child Self, bush soul, or the fetch is often perceived by psychics to extend about 1” from the physical body, and is in charge of gathering and storing mana, or life force. It is also concerned with maintaining the functionality of the physical body. It is emotional, pre-verbal, childlike, innocent, and sexual. It is that part of ourselves that is primal, and animal-like, while still being uniquely “us”.
It tells us when it needs or wants something by the means of subconscious impulses. These can come to us as symbols in dreams or visions, or simply as a “hunch”, or an intense feeling.
The Feri concept of Fetch illustrated by Diana Walker
When the fetch speaks it is important for the talker to know how to listen properly, lest the message gets lost in the confusion. This is why an understanding of basic symbolism is necessary for the practitioner of the magickal arts. When we are aware of how symbols impact our consciousness then we are better able to decipher the messages from the fetch, and just as important, be able to respond.
It is this form of pre-verbal direct communication to a deeper layer of our being that is a critical aspect in learning to wield magickal power, as the fetch is the only part of ourselves that is in direct communication with the third and highest of our three souls: the holy daemon.

Holy Daemon (God Self, Deep Self, Higher Self, Personal God, Bird Spirit, Super Ego*)

It has been referred to by many names by many different cultures. Deep Self, Higher Self, God(dess) Self, Divine Self, Personal God, Aumakua, Neshemah, Holy Guardian Angel, Dian y Glas, Christ-within, Bird-Spirit—all are terms used to describe that part of our soul structure that is our personal link to the Divine Source. This is that part of ourselves that is perfect and complete and endless. It is eternal, and survives physical death.
It is this part of ourselves that performs miracles, and to mediate its power into the world is a major goal of any spiritual practitioner.
It is sometimes taught that this spirit can be visualized variously as a bird, a star, or sphere of light, that hovers about 6-8” above the head. One’s holy daemon is, quite literally, their guiding light; it is that part of ourselves that steers us towards those life lessons that we need to experience while we are incarnate. It is through the daemonthat we may commune with the Gods and other higher powers, and so it is to this spirit we must first direct our prayer and attention.


Ground and Center. Feel your consciousness as being rooted in your head. Focus your awareness on a point in the center of your forehead. This is an anchor point for the talker. Breathe slow and deep while you contemplate the talker… your logic, reason, and your language are all in the domain of the talker. Take three deep breaths of power, feeling your talker energized and purified.
Now allow your awareness to slowly sink down inside your body, coming to a rest in a point about 2-3” beneath your navel. This is an anchor point for the fetch. Contemplate your fetch as you continue to breathe in a rhythm. Your emotions, your dreams, your memories, and your body functions are all in the domain of the fetch. Take three deep breaths of power, feeling your fetch energized and purified.
Become aware of your Divine Spirit hovering above your body. You may wish to visualize it as a sphere of blue light, a star, a flower, or alternatively as a bird. Feel your holy daemon shining about 6-8” above your head. Know that this is that part of you that is Divine, holy, and has your best interests at heart. Raise your hands above your head so that you might touch the light above you. Begin to see a pearlescent light emanating from your daemon. Feel this light shining down onto and through you… feel it flow slowly down into your fetch, and then slowly up into your talker. Feel how this holy light is permeating every cell and now spills out into your aura, making you a bright and shining being. With your attention focused on your holy daemon say:  
"All Three Souls aligned within me
All Three Souls aligned within me

All Three Souls aligned within me
We are the Three who speak as One."
· · ·
©2003 Storm Faerywolf
* I have listed this obviously psychological reference here to illustrate the basic flavor of the soul in general, but it should be understood that the soul component, being both a spiritual and energetic presence, is much larger than a simple psychological designation can allow for.  



Feri Practices
The Kala Rite
A Feri Ritual of Purification
Adapted from the Traditional by Storm Faerywolf 

Kala Cup, by Diana Walker
The Kala rite is arguably one of the most important pieces of Feri tradition practice. From the Hawaiian word meaning “to loosen, untie, or absolve” this simple ritual provides us with an opportunity to transform negative energies and blockages within ourselves, as well as to reclaim the power that these blocks have “tied up” within our energy bodies.
What follows is a simplified version of the rite suitable for use by anyone.
Items needed:
A glass of clear, fresh water
Ground and Center. Perform a Three Souls alignment. Recall something that you wish to be free of… a bad habit, negative trait, a fear, a bad relationship, etc. Allow yourself to really feel the presence of this thing, along with any emotions that may be attached to it. As you continue your meditative breathing allow these sensations to build within you.
When you feel that these feelings are at their peak, breathe three deep breaths of power, and will this negative energy out of your energy-body and into the glass of water, which now appears to your mind’s eye as thick, black, heavy, and toxic.
Begin to charge yourself up by breathing the Blue Fire. When you have a good charge built up place both hands palms downward over the surface of the water and will some of the charge into it. Sense how the negativity in the water is now being transformed… what was toxic and dark, is now beneficial and light. See the water shining with a crystalline luminescence, humming and singing with sheer and pure power.
When you feel that the transformation is complete, drink the entire glass of water feeling how the light is now merging with your body’s fluids and spreading out to every part of you. Feel how this power —your power now transformed and purified— is breaking down all blocks within you… spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental… and is making you strong, whole, and healthy.
Har Har Hou Hou, by Diana Walker
artwork © Diana Walker
article © Storm Faerywolf; 



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